-Okay, Chandler.
And your horoscope says: "On the 5th, a special someone will give you a gift.
" Well, thank you in advance.
"But the 12th brings a lover's spat.
" You're going to make a joke about my special present.
Why would you do that? Wait.
"On the 19th, a secret crush announces itself.
" -Hey, guys.
Oh, my God! It's Joey Tribbiani of Mac and C.
That's right.
It's your first day.
Are you psyched to fight fake crime with your robot sidekick? Am I psyched? The lead in my own TV series? I've dreamed about this for years! Why have I not been preparing? Joey, you're gonna be great.
But I gotta act with a robot.
I don't know anything about technology.
I can't even use Chandler's computer, except to find porn.
And that's only because it's there when you turn it on.
Our lover's spat will start a little early this month.
I'll be waiting.
The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad Are you judging them by their covers? Because you're really not supposed to.
I'm deciding which one to use.
I'm going to start writing another book.
Because the last one was such a big seller? Well, if you must know, I have written 14 books.
And as I'm the only one who has read them l can tell you that they have all been very well received.
What are you doing later? Rachel and I have to get our hair cut.
-We do? -I want to see what he wants first.
I just found out Elizabeth's dad wants to meet me.
Wait a minute.
Hold the phone.
You're not Elizabeth's dad? Come on, guys.
I really want this guy to like me.
It would really help me out if you guys could be here to make me look good.
-Of course we'll help.
We know how tough those parent-teacher conferences can be.
-So, here's your office set.
-Wow! Mac Machiavelli, Private lnvestigator.
Let's get you to wardrobe for a fitting.
When do I meet the robot? Why don't we do that right now? He's right here.
Joey Tribbiani, this is-- Wow! He's so lifelike.
This is Wayne, the man who created and operates C.
How do you do there, buddy? I'll let you two guys get acquainted? Sorry about that.
-So where's C.
? -C.
is right here.
Nice to meet you, Mac.
-This is the temporary robot, right? -No.
Why? Well, I just thought it was gonna be a really cool robot.
Like the Terminator, or when I first saw you.
I spent two years developing this machine.
It's absolutely state of the art.
It doesn't look like it can do anything.
It can do this.
This is my father, Paul Stevens.
Dad, this is Ross Geller.
It's great to meet you, Paul.
I prefer that Liz's boyfriends address me as Mr.
Of course.
So, Ross what's your problem? Excuse me? Why can't you get a girlfriend your own age? It's funny.
It's not funny.
I don't like you going out with my daughter, Ross.
Okay, I can see that.
I think if you give me one chance, I can change your mind.
-What? Okay.
I'll give you one chance to change my mind.
You've got one minute.
Two minutes.
A minute and 50 seconds.
I want you to know, I have never done anything like this before.
I mean, I've been in relationships in general.
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