Well, that thing's clearly in the way.
All right.
Damn fridge! -Hi, Joey.
How ya doin'? -Great roomie.
-Yeah, I guess we are roommates now.
-I know.
Now that you bring it up, our fridge is broken.
We have to get a new one.
I checked around and your half is $400.
Thanks a lot.
I'm not paying for half of that.
I'm only staying here until my apartment gets fixed.
Look, Rach, my parents bought this fridge just after I was born.
Okay? Now, I have never had a problem with it.
Then you show up and it breaks! What does that tell ya? That refrigerators don't live as long as people? All right, you know that the ATM only lets you take out $300 at a time, so l'll take a check for the other $100.
You're jokin', right? Of course I'm joking.
I don't take checks.
Thank God, you're pretty.
The One with Joey's Fridge Hi! Do you guys know any cute guys? Well, of course, I do.
My good friend, Joey, over here.
I'm sorry.
Thank you, Chandler.
There's a big charity ball this weekend and Ralph Lauren bought a table so I kind of have to go.
-What's the charity? -I don't know.
Something, either trees or disease.
Ralph mumbles a lot.
-He mumbles when you're not attentive? -Yeah.
It's weird.
But the thing is, I need to find a date.
What type are you looking for? Someone that has his own tux or the ability to rent a tux.
So he has to be a male who has at least $50.
So close.
-Hi, everybody! -Hi, there.
-This is Elizabeth.
-Hi, Elizabeth.
I'm a student.
Isn't she cute? Nope.
This is none of my business, but weren't you guys supposed to not be seen in public together? We're not together.
We're just two people who happen to have run into each other here.
This is.
Oh, sly! I really wanted to meet you guys, but I have to run.
-I'll see ya later? -Okay.
-Bye, Ross.
See you.
-Didn't mean to run into you like that, sir.
-That is quite all right, ma'am.
So, why's she leaving? ls it a school night and she has a lot of homework? Yes.
Her molecular epidemiology paper is due tomorrow.
Well, tell her "good luck" with that.
Anyone else? Bring 'em on.
-When's her birthday? -I don't know, Rachel.
Why? Well, you know it's just been so long since I've been to Chuck E.
-I like Elizabeth.
-Well, thanks.
In fact, I like her so much that you tell her I want my cookies early this year.
A box of Thin Mints and some Tagalongs.
Guys, give him a break.
Ross, seriously, how's it going with her? Well, it's actually been great.
She's 20, so she's not looking for anything too serious, which is perfect for me now.
Well, that is great.
And seriously, she seems very nice.
I know you guys like giving me a hard time but it means a lot to me that you like her.
-Just knowing you guys are, like-- -Okay, I got a good one.
What is she, like 12? Chandler, do you think we talk about our relationship enough? Yeah.
Do we have any Fruit Roll Ups? Okay.
I just thought of the perfect guy for Rachel to take.
That's so funny 'cause we found someone, too.
That's good.
I guess she'll have a choice between my guy and your weirdo.
-Why would our guy be a weirdo? -'Cause that's just your taste.
See, Rachel's not gonna pick your stupid guy.
-Yeah? -Yeah.
My guy is a lawyer who does volunteer work.
And, he has one of these.
A face ass? A chin dimple.
Well, our guy works with Chandler.
And he's really nice and smart and he's a great dresser.
-Have you seen your guy's body? -No.
Our guy's just a floating head.
Well, my guy is spectacular, okay? He's a massage client.
And one time, when he was on the table, I looked at it.
And I mean, all of it.
-You're not supposed to look.
-Yeah, like there are police for that.
What, you look? You massaged me.
I know.
All right, your guy may have a great body, but our guy is really funny.
Chandler funny? -Our guy's a great dancer.
-My guy's well-read.
-Our guy has great hair.
-My guy has great teeth.
Our guys smells incredible.
Do you want our guy to be your guy? Well, you don't look good, Joe.
Well, the fridge broke, so I had to eat everything.
Cold cuts, ice cream, limes.
What was in that brown jar? -That's still in there? -Not anymore.
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