Remember when I had a monkey? What was I thinking? Hey, so, what's with the 20 percent tip? Did I do something wrong? You know what's more generous? -You know what's even more generous? -I see where you're going.
What's up with the greed? I'm sorry.
I have to get new headshots made, and they're really expensive.
I'm down to, like, three.
Actually, two, because one of them I blackened some teeth.
Why'd I do that? Isn't there something you can do to earn extra money? Can't you pick up an extra shift here? Or, you know, I used to beg for money.
It helps if you've got a little of this going on.
Wow! I still have it.
Don't you have an audition today? Maybe you'll get that job.
Wait a minute.
I used to get medical experiments done on me.
Finally, an explanation.
I used to get paid for all kinds of medical stuff.
Let's see.
Well, I don't want to donate sperm again.
I really prefer doing that at the home office.
Maybe they want some of my blood or spit or something, huh? -Joey? -Yeah.
What did I tell you about talking while working? Do it? That guy's been waiting 1 0 minutes.
He's complained about you three times.
Now, where was l? The One With Unagi Gelula/SDI What are you up to? We went to a self-defense class today.
Kicking a guy in the crotch all morning really takes it out of you.
Takes it out of you? Now we can kick anybody's ass.
After one class? I don't think so.
You want to see me self-defend myself? Pretend you're a predator.
Go on, I dare you! Of course you can defend yourself from an attack you know is coming.
That's not enough.
Look, I studied karate for a long time.
And there's a concept you should be familiar with.
It's what the Japanese call unagi.
Isn't that a kind of sushi? No, it's a concept.
Yeah, it is.
It's freshwater eel.
Maybe it means that too.
I would kill for a salmon skin roll right now.
Fine, get attacked.
I don't even care.
Come on, Ross, we're sorry.
Please tell us what it is.
Unagi is a state of total awareness.
Only by achieving true unagi .
can you be prepared for any danger that may befall you.
In case someone's trying to steal your bamboo sleeping mat.
or your kettle of fish? It's one thing being prepared for an attack against each other.
Whole other story being prepared for an, I don't know-- A surprise! You knew that was coming.
but that doesn't mean you have unagi.
If we made reservations, we could have unagi in a half-hour.
-Is Monica here? -No.
I need help.
I don't know what to get for Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day was two weeks ago, so I wouldn't get her a calendar.
She was working, so we're celebrating tonight.
Why don't you book a day for both of you at those romantic spas? That's actually a good idea.
And, of course, crotchless panties.
Appealing as that sounds to her boyfriend.
and her brother.
We promised to make each other gifts this year.
-I love that.
-You guys! You can't make crotchless panties? You take scissors and cut-- Okay, okay, okay.
Making things sounds so much fun.
I thought so, until I papier-mâchéd one of my eyes shut.
I love papier-mâché! What did you make? I made a flar-lar-lar.
-What is that? -Nothing! So, what'll you do? Have you made anything I can take credit for? I have, I have! I started making little sock bunnies! Oh, for crying out loud! Wait a minute.
That is my sock! Now it's your little bunny friend.
This actually is a flar-lar-lar.
Can I ask about the Valentine's Day gifts? -Yeah.
-Do we have to make the entire thing? Yes.
Did you forget to make yours? Of course not.
I just have to go to the place where I made it and pick it up.
I can't wait.
It'll be the best Valentine's Day ever! I can't believe it! Make the presents! -What? -Just so excited to make the presents! Hi, I'm Joey Tribbiani.
With all due respect, I'd like to donate some fluids.
We're at the end of a research cycle and not looking for applicants now.
That's too bad.
I've been saving up.
You sure there's no studies I can participate in? -Here's a schedule of what's coming up.
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