Hey! You're not gonna believe this.
I made up a joke and sent it in to Playboy.
They printed it.
I didn't know they print jokes.
They print jokes, interviews, hard-hitting journalism.
It's not just about the pictures.
Didn't work on Mom, it's not gonna work on us.
Check it out.
It's the first one.
Right there.
That is funny.
It was also funny when I made it up.
-What? -I made that joke up.
No, you didn't.
I did.
Yes, I did.
I told Dan and he said it was the funniest he'd joke ever heard.
Hey, tell Dan thanks.
What? I was just reading the joke below it.
Man, that one is funny.
Monica, you remember me telling you that joke, right? -No.
-Seriously? You tell a lot of jokes.
Look, it's my joke.
But if it makes you feel better, they don't print the name.
So it doesn't really matter who gets credit.
Yeah, I guess.
-Hey, guys.
-Playboy printed my joke! No, it's mine! Call them! They'll tell you! -My joke! -My joke! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Jokes? What.
? You know there's naked chicks in there, right? The One With The Joke Gelula/SDI Dude! You have got to turn on Behind The Music.
The band Heart is having a tough time and they may break up.
Let's watch that at your place.
Monica's watching a show.
I don't want to miss when they were skinny.
Hey, Chandler? You know what we should do? You and I should go out and get some new sunglasses.
What? No, I want to watch this.
-Did your cable go out? -No.
No, that's VH1 .
I tell you, the music these kids listen to today.
it's a lot of noise to me.
Why is your cable out? Oh, because I haven't really paid the bill.
If you need money, would you please let me loan you some? No, Chandler.
Forget about it, okay? I know things have been tight since Janine moved out.
God, was she hot.
I know, yeah.
Look, I can handle it, all right? I can listen to the radio.
And Ross gave me this great book.
Want to see if the joke stealer will let us watch at his place? Sure.
-Paid your phone bill? -No.
It's only you.
-What are you doing? -Looking at a Playboy.
I want to look too! Yikes! Do you think these pictures are trying to tell a story? Sure.
Like in the case of this young woman.
she has lost her clothes.
So she rides naked on the horse, she's crying out, "Where are they?" She's not gonna find them, lying in the grass like that.
Remember the days when you'd go out to the barn.
Iift up your shirt and bend over? You see, now, I would date this girl.
She's cute, she's outdoorsy.
And she knows how to build a fire.
That'll come in handy.
I got a question.
If you had to pick one of us to date, who would it be? -I don't know.
-Me neither.
What? I don't know.
Me neither.
You know, you forget how many great songs Heart had.
"Barracuda" was the first song I learned to play on the keyboard.
So you heard it, you repeated it.
so that must mean you wrote it.
You guys with this joke.
Well, I gotta say.
I know I cracked up, but I'm not even sure I got it.
What? You didn't get it? The doctor is a monkey.
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