Are you looking at naked tribeswomen? No, look.
That's a pig.
I know.
But look at the knobs on it! Emily's cousin kicked me out.
-What? -Why? When you sublet from your wife's cousin then you divorce, sometimes the cousin wants his apartment back.
Didn't you sign a lease? Who needs a lease when it's "family"? You can stay with us.
Anything you need.
But you have to let us know when you feel better so we can make fun of your hair.
You got it.
Thanks, I really appreciate this.
I'm going to get packing again.
I've been moving around so much that I feel like a nomad.
-What? -He thought you said gonad.
The One Where Ross Moves ln If every place were this clean, it'd be tough making a living.
Oh, Larry! Do health inspectors work on commission? No, bribes.
-It's okay to laugh? -I was just kidding.
-I'll check the kitchen floor.
-Knock yourself out.
I don't get violations.
You could eat beans off that floor.
But don't, because that'd be a violation.
Yummy! Yeah, I'd let him check out my kitchen floor.
A ninety-eight.
I deducted two points for not wearing your hat.
That is a Section 5 violation.
Now look, Larry, honey.
I wrote the book on Section 5.
You only need to wear it in the kitchen.
-Where's your hat? -ln the kitchen.
I'll get it.
There's the two points! You should really read that book you wrote.
You saw the hat in the kitchen and knew she'd go in hatless to get it.
You could have your own health inspector detective show.
I don't know about that.
But then I could be your sidekick, Voonda.
Maybe I could ask Voonda to dinner sometime? She would love that since you know all the clean places to eat.
I'll call you.
He's so funny! Thank you.
How's Ross doing since all the Emily stuff? He's not great.
But he's dealing with it.
Wait, you're not I can't get started with all that Ross stuff again.
He'll be screwed up for a long time.
Besides, I don't go for guys right after they get divorced.
Right, you only go for them five minutes before they get married.
-Two pounds of mocha java.
-It's Danny.
Are you going to go out again? I don't know.
He hasn't called since we went out.
I see him in the hallway.
We flirt.
I'm all: And then nothing.
Wow, thirsty.
I'm having a party on Saturday.
Sort of a housewarming thing.
-Great! I'm looking forward to it.
See you! So I guess we won't be warming his house.
All right, I see what he's doing.
He's not asking me out because he wants me to ask him out.
And you won't do that.
That's right! Because that would give him the control.
So now he comes up with this "I've got a party" thing to get me to hint for an invitation.
Blew up in his face, didn't it? So there is no party? No, there's a party.
There's a party.
But the power? That is still up for grabs.
You follow me? I think so.
So he won't invite you to his party because he likes you? Exactly! Then why didn't he invite me? To throw me off.
Hey, roomies! I love what you've done with the place.
I know it's a lot of boxes.
-I appreciate you letting me stay here.
-Not a problem.
Since you'll be here a while we could put your name on the answering machine.
I hope you don't mind but I kind of already jazzed it up a little.
Check it out.
We will We will call you back Pretty cool.
-You're fake laughing too, right? -The tears are real.
You look beautiful this evening.
Show me the badge again.
You mind if I wash up? Who knows where these have been? You are just nonstop! -We're out of here.
-Why? I saw 1 0 violations.
I'm shutting this place down! -You have the power to do that? -This does.
Shut it down.
What are you doing? Nothing.
You built a fort, didn't you? Kind of.
Oh, my God! The air purifier.
Ross' air purifier.
All I heard for four years through college was.
You should have gone out once in a while.
-I hate this thing! -Come on, Chandler.
Ross is our friend.
He needs us right now.
So why don't you be a grownup and come watch TV in the fort? Can't believe that Larry closed down Churman's.
I love that place.
You should have heard about all their violations.
Larry said that they should call it Vermin's.
That guy just plain kills me.
I wanted to invite you to the party.
Thanks, I'll try to stop by.
Actually, I think I'm going to be busy.
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