-Phoebe, could you get that, please? -Why? Just because you're too lazy to get up off your tushy? No, it's just that all the people in the world I would want to talk to are right here.
Hello? -Hey, Joey! -Hey, Phoebe.
I need a favor.
I forgot the PlN to my ATM card.
Can you get it for me? Sure.
Where is it? I scratched it on the ATM machine on the corner.
So you're 5-6-3-9? That's it! Thanks.
-Wanna talk to Chandler? -Let me talk to him.
He didn't believe in my movie which is a big mistake, because it is real.
Tribbiani, get back to work.
Break time's over.
-Who was that? -My stunt double.
He's getting a little too familiar for my tastes.
I've tried to apologize.
If I can't do it on the phone, I'll go and do it in person.
I heard that.
Can you put him on? Don't come out here.
I support you 100% and I wanna prove that to you in person.
I got that.
I forgive you.
Don't come out here.
You haven't taken my calls for a week.
I'm totally over it.
Friends forever.
Don't come out here.
Would you mind doing a picture with us? -What was that? -Entertainment Tonight.
Good talking to you and don't come out here.
The One in Vegas Monica? I'm sorry I'm late.
I'm so sorry.
Have you been here long? That's okay.
What the hell took you so long? You can't tell Chandler.
I ran into Richard.
-Which Richard? -The Richard.
Richard Simmons? Oh, my God! No, my ex-boyfriend Richard.
You know, the tall guy, mustache.
Okay, that actually makes more sense.
How was it? It was really nice.
We talked and I had lunch with him.
That's weird.
I dreamed you had lunch with Richard.
-Really? -Again, Richard Simmons.
Go on.
The strange part was he was really nice and he looks great, but I didn't feel anything.
So why can't we tell Chandler? It'll freak him out and tomorrow's our anniversary.
I don't wanna spoil it.
I can't believe you guys have lasted a whole year! Wow, I owe Rachel 20 bucks.
On a totally different bet.
-It's almost our anniversary! -I know.
One year ago today, I was just your annoying friend Chandler.
Now you're just my annoying friend Chandler.
I got you a gift.
-It's not till tomorrow.
-I know, but you have to open it today.
Okay! There you go! It's two tickets to Vegas! Yeah! For this weekend! It'll be perfect.
You'll see Joey, plus, we'll start our celebration on the plane.
We can call it our "Plane-aversary.
" Do we have to? This is great, but Joey didn't want any of us there.
He doesn't want us to go to any trouble.
He'll be excited when we surprise him.
Plus, we get to have our own "Anna-Vegas-ry"! "Anna-vada-versary!" I think we should see other people.
We can go, right? Great idea.
I'm gonna go too! Phoebe, it's kind of our anniversary.
You won't ditch me like you did with London.
Ditch you? You were pregnant Great story.
I'm going.
Listen, this weekend we're all gonna go to Las Vegas to surprise Joey! Including me! Do you wanna go? I can take a couple days off work.
Of course you can take a couple days off, because this trip includes me! I've got a presentation tomorrow.
I can't miss that.
I've got tickets to the Van Gogh exhibit.
I waited a year for this.
Art lover.
What'd you say? I said, art lover.
-Was that supposed to be an insult? -I don't know, I'm very tired.
-Rach, maybe we can fly out Saturday? -Sounds great.
I'll call the airlines.
That'll be nice to have the apartment to myself.
To walk around naked.
No, so I can be by myself.
Have a little alone time.
Naked alone time.
Just because I'm alone doesn't mean I wanna walk around naked.
You live alone, you don't walk around naked.
Why does it takes me so long to answer the door? So far, is this trip to Las Vegas better or worse than the trip to London? So far, it's pretty much the same, Phoebe.
What about after I give you these candies? I guess it's a little better now.
Las Vegas, 1.
London, 0.
I'll be back.
Happy Plane-aversary.
I love you.
-Can I give you your present now? -Okay! Oh, don't tell me I did this.
I love "l forgot the present" fake-out! How about "I did forget the present, forgive me" not fake-out? You can give it to me when we get back.
This is the worst thing that could happen.
You decided to tell him about the Richard thing.
What "Richard thing"? Oh, no.
What "Richard thing"? Simmons.
Go with Simmons.
I ran into Richard yesterday.
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