What's going on? My eye is a little itchy.
Mine too.
It's really red.
You should go see my eye doctor.
I'm not gonna see your ex-boyfriend.
That's all I hear.
Richard, Richard, Richard.
Since we've dated, I've said his name twice.
So Richard, Richard.
It's not Richard.
It's this new guy.
He's good.
I'm sorry.
I'm not going to an eye doctor.
-Oh, God.
Here we go.
-What? Anytime anything comes close to touching her eye or anyone else's she, like, freaks out.
Ross, come on! I have a weird thing with my eye.
Can we not talk about it? Hey, Rach.
You know that great song? "Me, Myself and Eye.
" Monica! Come on! All those in favor of getting lunch, say, "eye.
" Ross! Stop it! How much did I love The King and Eye? Chandler! Me too, me too! Just stop it! That's enough! -You okay there, man? -Yeah.
I got too excited.
The One with Joey's Big Break I gotta go.
I'm taking Ben to the park.
-Give him a kiss for me.
-All right.
I'm so sorry you got caught in the middle of that.
I didn't mean to be so out there, but I am furious with him.
Calm down? I'm trying.
Man, that guy can push my buttons! Why are you so mad? -I don't wanna talk about it.
-lt seems like You wanna be on my list too? Keep talking.
Has anyone seen my list, by the way? No.
What's it look like? -A piece of paper and it says, "Ross.
" -I see.
I just got off the phone with Estelle.
Guess what? I got the lead! You got the lead in a movie? What's it about? It's called Shutterspeed.
It's really cool.
I meet this girl in the subway and we fall in love in, like, a day.
And then she disappears.
But I find out where she lives.
This old lady answers the door.
I say, "Where's Betsy?" And she says, "Betsy's been dead for 10 years.
" Chilling! The best part is, we're filming in the desert outside of Vegas.
-You know what that means.
-I know.
Road trip! We can rent a car.
I have to be there by Tuesday.
Wait! My grandmother's dead.
We can talk about that too, Phoebe.
No, her cab.
She probably won't be using it.
Drive it to Las Vegas.
All right! Thanks! What are we gonna do about my job? Not go.
Great! Road trip, baby! Is this okay? Chandler, you don't have to ask for my permission.
You can go.
Rach, we'll be late for the eye doctor.
All right.
Let's get this over with.
Look what I did.
I mean, look at this mess.
We're gonna probably have to clean this up.
I mean, we're gonna have to reschedule! If you thought that this mess was gonna bother me, you are wrong! All right, let's go, Blinky.
Hey, Joey.
What's up? I can't decide which route to take to Vegas.
You've traveled a lot, right? Yeah, I've been around.
Which route should I take? The north or the south route? If you take the north route, there's a man with a beard of bees.
Great! Problem solved! On the south route, there's a chicken that plays tic-tac-toe.
Well, back to square one.
I know a way that you can decide.
I'll ask you a series of questions and you answer as quickly as you can.
Yes! Good.
But wait.
Here we go.
I want you to relax.
Take a deep breath.
Clear your mind.
-Peanut butter or egg whites? -Peanut butter.
-Be a fireman or a swimmer? -Swimmer.
-You'd sleep with Monica or Rachel? -Monica.
I always thought it'd be Rachel.
-No thinking.
Tie or ascot? -Ascot.
-North or south route? -North.
Bam! There you go! Huh? That was incredible! Beard of bees here I come! This guy again.
Hey, what's up? Not much.
Wanna see a movie tonight? What do you wanna see? I don't know.
I know how to decide.
Show him your game.
No, thank you.
What's with her? I don't know.
I know how we can decide.
I'm gonna ask you questions and you answer real quick.
-Action or comedy? -Action.
Who would you rather sleep with, Monica or Rachel? Dude, you are sick.
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瑞克和莫蒂 Rick and Morty老友记 Friends火线 The Wire怪诞小镇 Gravity Falls探险活宝 Adventure Time with Finn and Jake无耻之徒(美版) Shameless飞出个未来 Futurama欢乐一家亲 Frasier 成长的烦恼 Growing Pains兄弟连 Band of Brothers飞哥与小佛 Phineas and Ferb风骚律师 Better Call Saul少年正义联盟 Young Justice亿万 Billions咱们裸熊 We Bare Bears副总统 Veep鬼屋欢乐送 Ghosts伦敦生活 Fleabag绅士杰克 Gentleman公关 Flack梅尔罗斯 Patrick MelroseCopyright © 2021 TaiCiShe.com 版权所有。 联系我们