-Good! You guys are all here.
-What's up? I have a job interview at Ralph Lauren tomorrow.
Congratulations! Oh, boy.
That guy's underwear sucks! -What? -Well, I got this pair marked "XS.
" Let me tell you, there was no room for excess anything in there.
I'll be the coordinator of the women's collection.
I'll work right under the director.
It's the perfect job for me! If you nail the interview, you'll get it.
You want to work on your interview skills? Let's start with the handshake.
Very good handshake.
Good wrist action.
Let me try.
Oh, my God! What did I ever do to you? Did I squeeze too hard? Let's just say I'm glad I'm not Chandler.
The One with Rachel's lnadvertent Kiss That's right, Ross.
I can see you in your new apartment.
Same as yesterday, same as the day before.
Is he doing his "shark attack" bit? No.
Oh, wait! There he goes.
Very funny, Ross.
Very lifelike and funny.
No, no.
I wasn't waving at you, lady.
Whoa, maybe I was.
This hot girl in Ross' building is flirting with me.
Get in there, man.
Flirt back.
Mix it up! Yeah, I'm down with that.
Okay, here goes.
How you doing? It worked! She's waving me over.
I'll be right over.
Let's see, she's on the third floor.
-She is pretty, huh? -Tell me about it.
No, no! I'm not with her.
That's just Monica.
Hey, Joey! Great stuff, huh? This your place? Yeah, of course it is.
Come on in.
Go by the window.
You can pretend to be surfing.
I counted.
You're not supposed to live here! Oh, man! What happened? I ended up at Ross' place.
I must have miscounted or something.
Damn! She's not there anymore.
Look, Ross is doing his "watching TV" bit.
No, Joe, I think he's just watching TV.
We've lost visual contact with the suspect.
Okay, now I really have to go.
It's so unfair that our date has to get cut short just because some guy shot at a store clerk.
-I know, but it's my job.
-Then maybe I could come too.
Suspect has just emerged naked from the sewer.
All right, you go.
-Oh, God! -What? Oh, I just miss him so much! For just a week, you guys are close.
Yeah, it's weird.
I can't help it.
He's so sweet.
He's like this little puppy dog, you know? But like a really tough one who shoots bad guys.
I love the beginning parts of relationships.
You can't keep your hands off each other.
I know.
It is the best.
How long did that last for you and Chandler? What? It's still going on.
Come on, seriously.
When did it end? I am serious.
We're all over each other all the time.
Okay, you know where you are better than I do.
Why don't you just calm down? Get all your facts before you tell everybody you're the only hot couple.
God, I woke the beast.
I was wrong, obviously.
I just misspoke.
It's okay.
It is okay.
As long as you know Chandler and l are also hot and fiery.
Just as hot as you.
I mean, our flame.
It is on fire! Here's your broom back.
You are so cute! The cute bar keeps getting lower and lower, doesn't it? How'd the interview go? Horrible! I did the stupidest, most embarrassing thing.
Did you say you wanted to have sex with his wife then fall off your chair? Did you get drunk on the way over there? Well, that explains why you didn't do the other stuff.
So, what happened? It was horrible! And the interview part went so well.
I even made him laugh.
He said something about a boat and I was like, "Well, yeah, if you've got enough life jackets.
" Trust me.
It was actually very funny.
Anyway, we were saying goodbye and.
What happened? We were shaking hands and he leaned in toward me.
Maybe he was opening the door but I totally misread him and I.
You kissed him? I didn't know what else to do! You could have tried not kissing him.
Thanks, Chandler.
A guy from Ralph Lauren called.
You got a second interview.
Monica, that's not funny.
Oh, okay.
A guy from Ralph Lauren called You got a second interview Oh, my God, Monica, you better be serious.
You just told me to be funny! Oh, my God.
I can't believe it! I got a second interview.
That kiss isn't looking like such a mistake now, is it? You don't think that's why he wants me back? Yeah! No? What are you talking about? I accidentally kissed him in the interview and now he wants me back because, "Let's bring back the girl who kisses everybody!" Come on, Rach.
What if he thinks I'll just sleep with him? He wants you back because you're right for the job.
I don't know.
Oh, God! How could I be so stupid? Rachel, don't say that.
I think you just need a hug from Joey.
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