-What are you guys doing up? -Finishing the crossword.
Do you know a six-letter word for "red"? Dark red.
Wrong, but there's a connect-the-dots in here for you later.
Hey, how about maroon? Yes! You are so smart! You guys are so cute.
I know.
See you in the morning.
I love doing crossword puzzles with you.
Me too.
Now let's finish this and go to bed.
Only one left.
Three-letter word.
Not dog, but.
You are so smart! I love you.
I love you too.
The One with the Cop We still need a tip.
All right.
Hold on.
I got it.
-How much do we need? -Couple of bucks.
Okay, dime.
You guys keep talking.
This could take a while.
Wait, look it! This is a police badge! Cool.
But why would a cop come in here? They don't serve doughnuts.
Could you discover the badge again? I can do better than that.
I bet somebody's missing that badge.
I should take it back.
But at the police station I'll check their 10 Most Wanted List.
My friend's been number 11 forever.
This could be her year! -Hey, you guys.
-Hey, Joey.
Is that my sweatshirt? Yes, it is.
I'm sorry.
I was cold.
I hope it's okay.
It's just that if you wear someone's sweatshirt shouldn't it be your boyfriend's? And I'm not him.
I'm sorry.
I'll give it back.
It's gonna be all smelling like Monica.
Do I smell bad? You smell like a meadow.
I'm sorry.
What's with him? The last time Joey went to a meadow his mother was shot by a hunter.
Look what I found.
It's a police badge.
What's that doing here? I don't see any doughnuts.
Cops and doughnuts.
Come on.
If Chandler had said it you'd all be on the floor.
Cops, doughnuts? Me? I still don't know.
I want to make sure I bought the right couch, one that says "Kids welcome here," but that also says "Come here to me.
" What? You say that to kids? The "Come here to me" is, you know, for the ladies.
Ross, honey, it's a nice couch, it's not a magic couch.
Well, you picked a great couch.
-Sign here, please.
The delivery charge is almost as much as the couch! That's ridiculous.
He lives three blocks away.
I'll take it myself.
Thank you.
All right, Rach, come on.
Let's go.
Are you kidding? Come on.
It's only three blocks.
It's not very heavy.
Try it.
Oh, I can do it.
You two will really enjoy that couch.
We're not together.
Something didn't quite add up there.
What's that supposed to mean? Well, you.
I mean, she's very you know.
And you're, like you know? Not that it's any of your business, but we did go out.
Really? You two? I don't want to do this now.
I'm carrying a heavy couch.
Then tell him quickly.
We went out.
Not only did we go out we did it 298 times! You kept count? You are such a loser! A loser you did it with 298 times! Excuse me, ma'am.
You can't put your cigarette out on a tree.
Yeah, I can.
It worked well.
But you shouldn't.
So don't ever do that again.
I won't.
Till I have my next cigarette.
Hold it! N.
Freeze, punk! That's right.
You are so busted.
Book them.
-Who are you talking to? -Save it, red! Apologize to the tree or spend the night in the slammer.
I am not apologizing to a tree.
You apologize to the tree right now or I am calling for backup.
Backup! Backup! I'm sorry! Sorry! Okay, cancel backup! Cancel backup! Didn't you say there was an elevator in here? Yes, I did, but there isn't.
Here we go! Don't you think we should rethink the whole hiring movers thing? No way.
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