Come on, Joey! I told you everything I knew last night.
It's not that big a deal.
So they're doing it.
I cannot believe you would say that! Sorry.
Monica and Chandler are "making love.
" No, I mean, come on.
This is a huge deal! I need more details.
Who initiated the first kiss? I don't know.
God, I just can't imagine Chandler being romantic.
Is he romantic with her? I don't know.
Are they in love? I don't know.
You don't know anything.
I know one thing.
They did it right there.
The One With Chandler's Work Laugh Could I have a scone? -Want to hear some good news? -ls somebody else gonna give it to us? Because you certainly don't seem like you have any.
No, I do.
Someone I know is getting married.
Weddings are happy occasions.
Oh, it's my ex-wife, Emily! Sorry, man.
-Here's your scone.
Stupid British snack food! Did they teach you that in anger management? You know what might help you deal with it? You two are in the past.
You can't be mad about the past.
Are you still mad about, you know, the Louisiana Purchase? Nobody's mad about that.
Exactly! Because it's in the past.
Anybody going to eat that? Look at us all dressed up for the party.
What are we celebrating? We had a lot of liquor left over from Christmas.
Our friends aren't here.
We can be a real couple.
We don't have to hide.
I know.
I can do this.
And I can do this.
We can't do that.
Hey, Bing! Who's the pretty lady, and what is she doing with you? I asked myself that very question, sir.
My boss, Doug.
-This is Monica.
-This is my wife, Kara.
-Nice to meet you.
Did you hear about the new law firm working for us? Dickem, Stickem & Run.
Let's go drink our body weight.
What was that? That noise you made? Oh, my work laugh.
Your work laugh? If you're going to survive this party, come up with one too.
All right.
Check me out.
He says, "$30, Father.
Same as in town.
" Everybody at work loved you last night.
And they like me more just because I was with you.
You repaired the damage from when they met Joey.
Doug wants to play tennis.
He never talks to me outside of work.
Except for that time at that strip club.
Strip church.
-I'll go find a racket.
-I thought you had one.
I used to, but then Joey thought it'd be fun to go hit rocks at bigger rocks.
Do you have a tennis racket? I lent it to Joey, and I've never gotten it back.
Good luck with that.
What's up? Why are you here? I thought you had inventory.
I do, but I decided I'd take a long lunch and spend some time with my friend Monica.
You know, I feel like we don't talk anymore.
How are you? What is new with you? Not much.
Work's good.
We don't have to talk about work.
Talk about anything.
You know what? Let's talk about relationships.
What's going on? Nothing.
You go.
There was this guy at the bank that I thought was cute.
But I don't anymore.
That's juicy.
You know what? I actually do have a lot of work to do.
You're sure there's just not anything else? I'm sure.
Is there something you want to talk to me about? No! If there was, I wouldn't tell you.
Then what happened? You'll get your turn.
-Hey, Phoebe.
What's going on? -Nothing.
This is not over.
No, no, no! I was up all night writing this nasty letter to Emily.
It was perfect, and now it's all covered in.
Actually, thanks! All right! Ready to go to the movies? Actually, I think I'll skip it.
Really? I'll read my book.
I just want to be alone right now.
Sure you don't want to? Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan.
They get mail and stuff.
That's okay, Joe.
Let's go, Phoebe.
Game! I got to tell you, that partner of yours is a real tiger.
Are you all right? We'll just get a little sip of water.
Am I on fire today or what? Those birds are browned, basted and ready to be carved.
Okay, easy, Martina.
I think we should let them win the next game.
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you just said.
Let them win one.
Are you crazy? We own those two.
Look at them! He can't even breathe, and she's popping pills.
You're not giving them a chance.
They have rackets.
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