-What are you doing? -I reorganized the fridge.
See? Bottom shelf, meats and dairy.
Middle shelf, fruits and vegetables.
And top shelf, expired products.
Why are you doing this? Because I'm bored out of my mind.
I've already been to the bank, post office and dry cleaners.
Dude, you just described seven days' worth of stuff.
Spread it out a little.
Haven't you ever been unemployed? I'm not unemployed.
I'm on sabbatical.
Hey, don't get religious on me, okay? A guy in your position needs to be better at relaxing.
That's why we have comfortable chairs.
Here, sit down.
Ready? Watch.
And then.
-So, what? We just sit? -Oh, no, no.
We're not gonna just sit.
-Hello, Chandler Bing.
-Hello, Mr.
I love you.
All right, whoever this is, stop calling me! It's been 6 months! It's not funny! I can see you, Mr.
You look sexy in your new suit.
Leave me alone! For the love of God, leave me alone! And that's Wednesday.
The One with The lnappropriate Sister Hey, you guys! Guess what? The British are coming? Oh, you and your ways.
Since it's Christmas, I'm going to be collecting donations.
I have my bell and later on I get my bucket.
I'll be spreading joy to the people.
Last year I spread a little joy, but not enough.
So this year I'm doing the whole city.
I knew a girl in high school who did that.
She was very popular.
It's weird, you're starting to sound a lot like Chandler lately.
That is so not true.
So, Phoebe, where are you doing your bell-ringing? They gave me a great spot right by Macy's.
They never give a good spot to a rookie but I'm the only one who can say "Merry Christmas" in 25 languages.
I lied! Oh, my God.
Here's Danny.
Just watch this.
See? Still pretending he's not interested.
He's coming over.
Pretend we've forgotten who he is.
-Hey, guys.
-Hey, Danny.
Oh, Danny! Hey! You know Rachel.
She's nice.
She's not bad to look at, right? Thanks, Mon.
Of course.
Do you want to go out on a date with her? Absolutely.
Is Friday okay? Friday is perfect.
She can't wait.
On the date, I'll be able to talk to her directly? See you Friday.
Okay, what the hell was that? You know what? Don't answer me.
I have a date with Danny! All right, it's 4:30, I guess my lunch break is over.
-What are you guys gonna do? -lf you're going back to work I'll probably just hang out.
You know, make some calls.
How could I not get the part? The play was about a 29-year-old ltalian actor from Queens! Well, Talia Shire suddenly became available.
She's a woman! What can I say? She nailed it! Is there anything else? You'll just say no again, but gay porn? Happy holidays! Feliz Navidad! Allo and Merry Christmas! Oh, thank you, sir! Here's some joy.
-How's it going? -It's going okay.
Let me help you out.
Oh, thanks! Is that a new suede jacket? It looks really expensive.
I guess.
Just get your nails done? Yes, Phoebe, but this is all I have, okay? Thanks.
Happy holidays! Here's your joy.
Thank you! Happy holidays and Wait.
-You can't take money out.
-I'm making change for the bus.
Can't you leave the dollar for the poor? I'm poor.
I gotta take the bus.
Okay, season's greetings and everything, but still Bite me, blondie! I'm going to give him something besides joy.
Just I can't believe I didn't get that part.
I'm sorry, man.
What you should do is make something happen for yourself.
You know, like write a play.
Or a movie.
What about those Good Will Hunting guys? Be realistic, you know? If I did write something what are the chances I could get those guys to star in it? Wait a second.
I could star in it! Or that.
I can't write.
I mean, I'm an actor.
I could act like a writer.
But see? Nada.
I don't have the discipline that it takes.
I can't do it.
I'll help you.
I'll make up a schedule and make sure you stick to it.
Plus, it'll give me something to do.
You'd do that for me? Thanks.
We'll start slow.
All you have to come up with tonight is the name of your main character.
-And it can't be Joey.
-It's not.
-Or Joseph.
What's up? I just saw Danny on the subway with a girl and he had his arm around her.
老友记 Friends摩登家庭 Modern Family绝望主妇 Desperate Housewives破产姐妹 2 Broke Girls权利的游戏 Game of Thrones黑镜 Black Mirror爱,死亡和机器人 Love, Death & Robots杀死伊芙 Killing Eve第二十二条军规 Catch-22神盾局特工 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.豆瓣高分英文剧
瑞克和莫蒂 Rick and Morty老友记 Friends火线 The Wire怪诞小镇 Gravity Falls探险活宝 Adventure Time with Finn and Jake无耻之徒(美版) Shameless飞出个未来 Futurama欢乐一家亲 Frasier 成长的烦恼 Growing Pains兄弟连 Band of Brothers飞哥与小佛 Phineas and Ferb风骚律师 Better Call Saul少年正义联盟 Young Justice亿万 Billions咱们裸熊 We Bare Bears副总统 Veep鬼屋欢乐送 Ghosts伦敦生活 Fleabag绅士杰克 Gentleman公关 Flack梅尔罗斯 Patrick MelroseCopyright © 2021 TaiCiShe.com 版权所有。 联系我们