Friends, family, we're gathered to celebrate the joyous union of Ross and Emily.
Now, Ross, repeat after me.
"l, Ross.
" I, Ross.
"Take thee, Emily.
" Take thee, Rachel.
Shall I go on? He said, "Rachel," right? Do you think I should go up there? Yes.
Do go on.
I think we'd better start again.
Repeat after me.
"l, Ross.
" I, Ross.
"Take thee, Emily.
" Take thee, Emily.
Like there'd be anybody else.
"As my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health till death parts us.
" As my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health until death parts us.
Really, I do.
Do you have the rings? Place this ring on Ross' finger as a symbol of your bond everlasting.
Ross, place this ring on Emily's hand as a symbol of the love that encircles you forever.
Happy to.
They have made their declarations and it gives me great pleasure to declare them husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
This is worse than when he married the lesbian.
Just keep smiling.
Well, that went well.
It could've been worse.
He could've shot her.
That was pretty funny, wasn't it? The One After Ross Says "Rachel" You spoiled everything! It's a nightmare! My friends and family are out there! How can I face them? No matter what happens with them we still get cake, right? That's all right.
You take your time.
I'll be right out here.
She's just fixing her makeup.
I hate you! And I love you! A bad time to say the wrong name, huh? That's true.
Thanks, Dad.
People should be dancing.
This is a party! Come on! Joey! Dance! Yes, Waltham lnteriors.
This is Ross Geller's personal physician, Dr.
Who? I discovered that Ross forgot to take his brain medicine.
Without it, in the brain of Ross women's names are interchangeable.
Through no fault of his own.
Oh, my God! Phoebe.
No, not Phoebe.
Oh, no! You have it too! What kind of bitch hangs up on a doctor? I hope you don't take this the wrong way but I know we had plans to meet up tonight.
I'm worried about what it might do to our friendship.
I know.
-How could we have let this happen? -Seven times! You know, look.
We were away.
In a foreign, romantic country.
I blame London.
Bad London! So look while we're still in London, we can keep doing it, right? Well, I don't see that we have a choice.
But when we're back home, we don't do it.
Only here.
You know, I saw a wine cellar downstairs.
I'll meet you there in two minutes.
Mon? I gotta ask you something.
Now? Ross said my name.
I can't just pretend it didn't happen.
I don't know.
Monica, what should I do? Just do the right thing.
What? Tow the line! Thread the needle! Think outside the box! I'll talk to Ross about what he thinks it meant.
Wait! Rachel, no.
He's married.
If you don't realize that, I can't help you.
You're right.
You're right.
You can't help me.
Jack, is it all our fault? Were we bad parents? Who serves steak when there's no place to sit? How are you supposed to eat this? Hey, what's up? You and me, next dance? Sorry, dear, I only dance when I'm drunk.
Want me to get you something? We were supposed to meet.
-Forget it.
That's off.
-Why? The next tour of the wine cellar will commence in two minutes.
Joey, what are you doing? You promised, no meat till Phoebe has the babies.
We're in another country, so it doesn't count.
-He's got a point.
I'm sorry things aren't working out.
It could be better.
It'll be okay, right? Oh, yeah! Of course.
She'll get over this.
So you said my name.
You just said it because you saw me there.
If you'd seen a circus freak, you would've said: "l take thee, Circus Freak.
" It didn't mean anything.
It's a mistake.
It didn't mean anything.
Right? Oh, no! Of course it didn't mean anything.
I can understand why Emily thought it meant something because it was you.
But it absolutely didn't.
It didn't! It didn't! The band's ready for your first dance with Emily.
Oh! The band's ready! We've got to do what the band says.
I don't care about the stupid band! You spit on me, man! I'm sorry.
Emily is taking kind of a long time.
When I locked myself up at my wedding I was trying to pop the window out of the frame.
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