It's me.
I know you can 't stand to see me.
I'm trying to apologize over the phone I shouldn't have kissed your girlfriend Stop calling! This is 92.
3 WXRK, K-Rock calling with our $ 1000 daily challenge! All right! What is the name of your roommate who is very sorry and would do anything? -Damn it, Chandler, stop calling.
-Joey, it's Ross.
-It's all right.
What's up? Not much.
I got Chandler here and he's really, really sorry The One with Chandler in a Box Oh, turkey! Giving thanks! Look, everyone.
It's the spirit of Thanksgiving! Are things with Joey better? They couldn't be worse.
I spent eight hours calling him trying to get him to talk to me.
Eight hours.
You could probably use a plug-in telephone headset.
Should we all expect Christmas gifts that are stolen from your office? You shouldn't.
Speaking of Christmas.
Since Monica and I are starting a new business and have no money this year we could do Secret Santa and each only buy one gift.
And there's the added mystery of who gets who.
Who gets whom.
I don't know why I do that.
But it is correct.
Hey, what's this? It's all of your names.
Let's pick.
Hey, what's going? -No, Joey, stay.
-We're picking names for Secret Santa.
I invented Secret Santa, you know.
What are you laughing at? You're the one who said Die Hard was your idea.
It was.
Don't make me show you the napkin.
I'm going to take a nap.
Turkey makes me sleepy.
We haven't eaten yet.
I know, but all that work you're doing to get it ready and.
Did you pick Rachel for your Secret Santa? I'll trade for her.
I picked her.
Thank God, you want her! Why do you want to get rid of her so badly? She exchanges every gift she gets.
It's impossible to get her something she likes.
Come on, let's trade! I got her that backpack and she loved it.
I remember she cried when that big dog ran off with There was no big dog.
This sucks! I already got her a briefcase with "R.
" put on it.
Her initials.
Okay, I'm really bad at initials.
You got your shopping done early.
Yeah, well, my Camel Cash was about to expire.
Maybe you can give it to somebody else.
Like Ross Geller! You know what? It's a girlie briefcase.
Who cares! He works in a museum.
The big game's about to start! Ross and Joey aren't here.
You can watch the parade if you want.
What is wrong with this freezer? -What happened? -lce just got in my eye! People are trying to sleep in here! Monica got ice in her eye and it hurts! -Open it up.
Let me see.
-I can't.
It really kills.
Maybe you should put some ice on it.
-lt looks bad.
-We should take you to a doctor.
No, my eye doctor is Richard! I can't go to him when I don't have a boyfriend.
He's really picky about his patients.
You've got to go.
What's his office number? Like I remember his office number! Speed dial seven.
I'm calling on behalf of Monica Geller's eye.
Is Richard Burke in today? He's not in.
Will she see the on-call doctor? -Yes.
-She's very excited about that! Okay, we'll be right in.
Okay, so who's gonna take her in? I'll go, you can watch your parade.
It's so cool.
Till Monica gets back, I'm head chef.
And I get to make all the decisions.
She told you to follow the recipe exactly.
Get out of my kitchen.
I think I'm making some progress with Joey.
When I walked in, he went to his bedroom but he only slammed the door once.
Yeah, he gave me the finger while doing it.
I've got to call my mom and ask her a left-handed cooking question.
I'm gonna be in there.
While I'm gone.
Chandler, you're in charge.
I picked Monica for Secret Santa, but I'm getting her something for Hanukkah.
You want to switch? I was trying to trade for you.
Really? That's so nice.
What are you getting me? I don't know, R.
I was thinking something girlie for your office.
Maybe Phoebe will switch with me.
Then you'll get stuck with Rachel, and she exchanges every gift.
No, I got her lots of stuff she never took back.
Like? Like that gold necklace I got her last year.
When did she wear it last? She wore it all Christmas day and then.
Big dog? What are you doing? Sending back this stuff Chandler bought.
-Even the TV? -No, I'll put that in my room.
Listen, Joey.
I know what he did was wrong.
But can't you hear him out? If Chandler had kissed Rachel, would you hear him out? That's a good point.
How long you going to punish him? Five years.
You've sentenced him? Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
The guy's your best friend.
Was my best friend.
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