I just saw Kathy naked.
It was like torture.
If we go to war and you're captured, you're in for a surprise.
It keeps getting worse.
It bad enough that I'm in love with my roommate's girlfriend.
Every time we're in the same room, there's weird energy between us.
Call me crazy, but I think she likes me too.
And now I have seen her naked.
At least with her clothes on I could imagine her body was covered in boils.
But there are no boils.
She's smooth.
Smooth! -Could everyone see up his robe? -Oh, my God! The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line -Here you go.
-I'll call you.
Great! Hey, hey.
Who was that? Casey.
We're going out tonight.
Going out? Wow! It didn't work out with Kathy? Bummer.
No, things are fine.
I'm having a late meal with her after an early one with Casey.
-What? -Yeah.
The craziest thing is, I just ate a whole pizza myself.
You're going out with Kathy! Yeah.
Why are you upset? Well, I'm upset for you.
Sex with an endless line of beautiful women must be unfulfilling.
What's the big deal? It's not like we're exclusive.
Look, Joey.
Kathy's clearly not fulfilling your emotional needs.
But, Casey.
Granted, I just saw the back of her head.
But I got this sense that she's smart and funny and gets you.
You got all that from the back of her head? I think it's time for you to settle down.
Make a choice.
Pick a lane.
Who's Elaine? Little Tony Tarzan Swinging on a nose hair Swinging with the greatest of ease I don't know the next verse.
You could just go: Greatest of ease Then go right into it.
I like that.
How do you know about? You know, I used to play.
That's right.
The keyboards? A little in high school.
I got into it in college.
That's when I really found my sound.
Orange juice just came out of my nose, but it was worth it.
Oh, my God! I completely forgot about your sound.
He'd lock himself in the basement for hours.
No one was ever allowed to hear the sound.
I want to hear the sound.
No, I mean, I haven't played in so long.
Well, it's really personal stuff.
Play that funky music, white boy.
-Yeah, come on.
-No, you guys.
My keyboards are all the way Yeah, okay.
Who wants to get dinner later? I wanna try that new ltalian restaurant.
Supposed to be really good.
Saw a lot of Chinese people eating in there.
What are you talking about? You said some restaurant must be good because Chinese people were eating there.
That's because it was a Chinese restaurant.
I still wanna go.
Who wants to come? Oh, I can't.
I got two dinner dates tonight, so I gotta get ready.
All right, girls' night out.
Sorry, but we have to prep that catering thing for tomorrow.
Oh, that's right.
I wish I could eat in restaurants alone.
You should try it.
It's a really good thing to do.
I just think I'd feel really self-conscious.
Like I was on display or something.
I was on display once.
Nothing like eating alone.
I just had a great time with myself.
Well, this could be a good story.
At dinner.
It was so liberating.
You know, I don't need people to have fun.
I'm fun.
I'm a fun girl.
Are you a naughty girl? No, just fun.
-See, I told you you'd have fun.
-I know.
Although I must say that I totally judge any woman I see eating alone.
-Why? -What's wrong with a woman eating alone? Well, obviously something.
She's eating alone.
Okay, guys.
All right! Bring it on, you! Here we go.
You know, I've never played my stuff for anyone before.
So it's important that you understand it's about communicating very private emotions.
You know.
You should think of my work as wordless sound poems.
-That's what -Oh, my God, play.
Well, you know, that was terrific! Really bitchen.
Wow! It was so wow! Really? Yeah! I mean, you should play in public.
Wow, thanks, you guys.
That's I want to play you another piece.
I left my helicopter sounds on another disk.
I'll be right back, okay? This is so nice.
I mean, I am so.
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