Joe, I don't think a four-letter word for "ship" can be "ship.
" I thought it was a freebie.
Hello! What's this? Oh, right! It's that girl's phone number.
There it is.
Just a phone number a really hot girl gave me.
It's no big deal.
I mean, it is her home phone number, but.
Almost lost this baby! The lovely Amanda gives me her number, and I go and drop it.
Thank you.
The One with Joey's New Girlfriend -When's your birthday? -May 5th.
Why? I'm making a list of birthdays.
-Mine's December -Yeah, whatever.
She's pretty! Pretty, pretty girl.
The pretty She's pretty.
Go ask her out.
-What's the worst that could happen? -I could die.
Yeah, it's tough being single.
That's why I'm so glad I found Amanda.
Ross, you guys went out once.
You took your kids to Chuck E.
Cheese, and you didn't even kiss her.
I tell people secrets.
It makes them like me.
All I'm gonna say is, finally, it's nice to be in a mature relationship.
You know, the world would be such a better place if that actually was all you were gonna say.
You're sick.
You shouldn't play.
Go home.
But I'm unemployed.
My music is all I really have now.
Well, music and making my own shoes.
Pretty, huh? All right, I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna go get shot down.
Any advice? Just be yourself but not too much.
Wish me luck.
Good luck! Wish it! I was just sitting over there and.
My name's Chandler.
Did I say that? No, you didn't.
Hi, I'm Kathy.
-Kathy with a K or a C? -With a K.
Wow, you are really good at this! I'm out on a limb here! I'm sorry.
You're right.
But I should tell you, I'm waiting for a date.
And there he is now! I see you guys already met.
I was trying to demonstrate how I could get my very large feet into my even bigger mouth.
Didn't I tell you? Always showing off.
Before I start, I want to say that I have a cold.
So if I sneeze during a song, it's not on purpose.
Except the last verse of "Pepper People.
" Smelly cat, smelly cat What are they feeding you? This chick sounds good.
Smelly cat Gunther, be a good little boy and bring me a whiskey.
At 2:30 a.
, I didn't expect to have to fight over the remote.
Sorry, there's this Ernie Kovacs thing I wanted to watch.
That's why I got up too.
You're kidding? I love him! My dad made me stay up and watch reruns with him.
Mine too.
Did your dad also make you watch the Mr.
Universe contest? -No.
-Well, me neither.
I'm sorry about this afternoon.
If I had known that you two, I never would have.
Oh, please.
Joey tells me you two met in acting class.
They teamed us up as partners.
Joey picked three scenes for us to do.
All of them had us making out.
That's a good thing because he used to make me rehearse with him.
-ls it on? -No, but this Wonder Broom is amazing! Oh, my God! It's on! Here we go, little fella.
What about the duck? The duck can swim.
My sticky shoes My sticky, sticky shoes Why you stick on me? Baby Thanks for the lights, honey.
Way to go! Your cold makes you sound great.
It's fun.
God, I love how sexy I am! Kath, we should get going.
We're going to buy hamsters.
I love them.
No, it's not like that.
I work for a medical researcher.
-Well, have fun.
It's nice that the medical community is trying to help sick hamsters.
-lsn't it? -Yeah, it's great.
You know what? I like Kathy.
Me too! She's so cool and pretty.
She is.
She's smart and funny.
We were up all last night talking.
She said the funniest thing about What? You love her.
No, I don't.
Yes, you do.
Chandler loves Kathy.
-Come on, just lay off him.
-Thank you.
He's a little sensitive right now because he's so in love! All right.
Kathy, I love you! I need to write some depressing stuff to go with my new bluesy voice.
But nothing that sad has ever really happened to me.
How about your mom dying? Or having to live on the streets when you were 14? I could write about the time my hair did that whoo-hoo thing.
I'm going over to Amanda's tonight.
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