We are so in luck! Treeger said we could have all this cool stuff! Wait right there.
Oh, no.
I'm paddling away.
Really? We got all this rusty crap for free? This and a bunch of bubble wrap.
And some of it is not even popped.
Could we be more white trash? The One with the Cuffs How desperate am l? Good thing Chandler's not here.
He always wins at this game.
I just told my mom I'd cater her party.
-How come? -I need the money.
It'd be a great way to get rid of that last smidgen of self-respect.
I think this is a good thing.
Mom wouldn't have hired you if you weren't good.
You don't have to stick up for her.
She can't hear you.
Do you have any juice? Just pickle.
Funny story.
I bumped into Joanna yesterday.
My boss, Joanna? That must have been awkward.
Actually, she asked me if I wanted a drink.
You didn't say yes to that, did you? Hello, Rachel.
Well, not at first.
What is she doing here? Last time you went out with her you said she was a dud! I judged her too quickly.
This time, we took it to the next level.
Last time I almost got fired.
You must end it.
You must end it now.
It's not an everyday occurrence! Usually I'm in there by myself.
-Rachel, aren't you running late? -No -You are if you pick me up a bagel.
Promise you will end this now.
-I promise.
I'll end it.
-Thank you.
I hope you know what I'm giving up.
She's not just the boss in your office.
You know what I mean? Sorry.
I knew what he meant.
How's the hired help? Doing great.
Quiches are coming along.
What's this? Blue nail polish? I thought it was cute.
It's what your grandmother's hands looked like when we found her.
Let me ask you a question.
Why did you hire me? Richard raved about the food at his party but you were sleeping with him.
Then I heard the food at that lesbian wedding was nice.
I assume you didn't sleep with anyone there.
At least that would be something.
Oh, my God! Did you hear that? She hired me because she thinks I'm good.
I didn't hear that.
She didn't hire me out of pity.
It wasn't so she could pick on me.
She actually thinks I'm good.
And hey, it's cool if you're a lesbian.
Good afternoon.
Are you the decision-maker of the house? Do you currently own a set of encyclopedias? No, but try the classifieds.
People sell everything in there.
Actually, I'm not buying.
I'm selling.
Let me ask you one question.
Do your friends ever have a conversation and you just nod along, not sure what they're talking about? I'm telling you, it's totally unconstitutional.
I think he deserves a Nobel Prize.
It was like the Algonquin kids' table.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry.
You haven't said anything for about two minutes.
Are you at all interested? Come on in.
-That's weird.
-What? Your nails.
I wore fake ones so my mom wouldn't give me grief about biting them.
I meant, it's weird that you only have nine now.
Oh, my God! Wait a minute.
I had them when I put Oh, my God! It's in the quiche! -Oh, my God! -Okay, don't panic.
I'll go buy you a new set of nails.
No one will know, and you'll look great! It's because they're going to eat That's the problem.
Honey, don't bite your nails.
Please don't freak out.
There's a blue fingernail in one of the quiche cups.
And there's no way to know which one.
And whoever finds it wins the prize! I'm not freaking out.
-Why are you laughing? -Now your father owes me $5.
You bet I'd lose a nail? Don't be silly.
I just bet that I'd need these.
Frozen lasagnas? You bet that I'd screw up? All that stuff about how I was good No, that was all true.
This was just in case you "pulled a Monica.
" You promised Dr.
Weinberg you'd never use that phrase.
Come on.
Have a sense of humor.
You're never able to laugh at yourself.
That's right.
My mom has no faith in me! That's hilarious! I don't get it.
I have faith.
You have lasagnas! The ruined quiches are ready! -I really don't think we should be doing this.
It just doesn't feel like we're breaking up.
No, we are.
I'm sad.
Can you wait till tomorrow? All right.
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