That was the 10th time I've peed here.
It's also the 10th time you've told us.
Sorry, it must be hard to hear.
It's easier having babies playing "Bring in Da Funk" on your bladder! I am so sick of being pregnant.
God! I can't sleep, except on my back, which hurt.
So I can't sleep.
My only happiness is from a cup of coffee which is decaf because I'm pregnant! You want a cookie? Thank you so much! So, honey, how are those mood swings coming? I haven't had any yet.
The One with the Worst Best Man Ever Hey, guys.
All right, here's the ring.
Yes, yes! A thousand times, yes! Any ideas for the bachelor party? Before rings and bachelor parties, you have to decide who your best man will be.
Oh, it's awkward.
I already asked Chandler.
He got to do it at your first wedding.
I figured you'd understand.
I've known him longer.
I don't have any brothers.
I'll never be a best man.
You can be the best man when I get married.
I'll never get to be a best man! Wait, wait.
So you'll be my best man twice, and I won't be yours at all? Of course, you can be my best man.
-What about me? You said I could.
-I'm not getting married! It's a question for science-fiction writers.
I can't believe it's not me.
-How could it not be me? -I'm not even You know what? That's it.
From now on, Joey will be my best man.
Shame about you, though.
-Stop it.
-What? One of the babies is kicking.
That's a good thing.
It's not kicking me.
It's kicking another baby.
Don't make me come in there! Do you have a big bowl I can borrow? There's one under the cabinet.
-Why do you need it? -We're having a party tomorrow night.
-Are you planning on inviting us? -No.
Later! Get your ass back here, Tribbiani! Hormones.
How come you're having a party and we're not invited? -It's Ross' bachelor party.
-So? Are you bachelors? Are you strippers? Then you're not invited.
Then you're not invited to our party either.
What party? Phoebe's baby shower.
Baby shower? That so doesn't sound like something I want to do.
I can't believe I'm going to have a party.
That's so great.
A party! I don't know why.
This is what I got going for the party liquor-wise.
-Get a lot of liquor.
In terms of the invite list, I got you, me and Chandler.
I'll invite Gunther because we're talking pretty loud.
I'll be there.
I know it's your party but I'd like to limit the number of museum geeks.
Let's not invite any anthropologists.
Just the dinosaur dudes.
We'll need a six-pack of Zima.
Hey, what are you doing? Just planning my bachelor party with my best man.
Good luck trying to top the last one.
It won't be that difficult since this one won't be in the basement of a Pizza Hut.
I'm Ross, I'm Ross.
I'm too good for the Hut.
I gotta go pick up Ben.
Everything sounds great.
Keep it on the mellow side.
A few guys hanging out.
-No strippers or anything.
-You got it.
See you later.
Have fun planning your mellow party.
There will be strippers.
He didn't say anything about no strippers.
He just said, "No strippers.
" I chose not to hear that.
Look what I got, look what I got! They make these for little people! Little Village People.
Look at this one.
This is my favorite.
That is so sweet.
Phoebe will love dressing them.
Except she won't be the one who gets to dress them.
She won't get to keep the babies.
My God, we are throwing the most depressing baby shower! Unless we give her all gifts she can use after her pregnancy.
Like regular coffee.
Tequila! -A carton of cigarettes! -She doesn't smoke.
-It's the thought that counts.
-It's a great idea.
And those leather pants she's always wanted! She'll love that! What the hell is this? You thought it'd make me feel better? To give me something I can't use for two months? This sucks! -Who gave me this? -Well, l They told me you like them.
All right, then I'm wrong.
It's a great gift.
The best present I ever got! What's my next present? We don't have anything.
All right, fine, then this is over.
Balloons! -Listen, about the stripper.
-Yeah? Good call! So I'll be hosting your next bachelor party? Joey, I'm kind of hoping this will be my last one.
A little announcement.
I've decided that my best man is my best friend Gunther.
What's my last name? Central Perk? Thanks for not marrying Rachel.
Hey, Gunther! Don't forget your shirt.
What are those? Little party favors.
Check it out.
Just want everybody to know the position of my best man is still open.
So is the position of the bride.
Smooth, man.
You got some chili on your neck.
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