All of a sudden, so much is happening.
I know.
Ross is getting married.
Phoebe's making people.
-Everybody's doing stuff.
-We just sit here.
If I died, people would know I was here only by the ass print on this chair! -What are we doing? -Wasting our lives.
I meant for lunch.
We have to do something.
Something huge! We could climb Mt.
Not something stupid.
Something huge! I saw an ad for this video.
People climb that thing every day.
We could totally do that! Why not? I mean, it's just climbing.
-It's just steep! -Yeah.
We're going! It'd be nice to leave an ass print on Everest.
What's up? -We're gonna climb Mt.
-Yeah, baby! I looked into that.
Yeah, but it costs like $60,000, and, you know, you could die.
And you would die.
We could get that Everest video.
We could do that without risking our lives at all.
While we're at the video store, we could rent Die Hard! I just remembered.
That Everest thing is only available through mail order.
So you'll stay here and hang out with me? But one of these days we'll get off our butts and rent Die Hard again! The One with the lnvitation That was fast.
It usually takes me hours to get Ben to go down for his nap.
He's such a sweetheart.
Do you know what he said? -Good night, mommy.
-That's because he has lots of mommies.
Yeah, in fact, it's kind of become his word for "woman".
So does your uncle Nathan get an invite or not? Oh, God! Nobody likes him.
He's so cheap.
He'd never fly to London in a million years.
Invite him! Did I do these neat enough? Yeah, they're fine.
We'll say that Ben addressed them.
You invited Rachel then? Sure, why not? Really? I wouldn't be comfortable having any of my old lovers there.
Do you think we shouldn't invite her? You know I absolutely adore Rachel.
It's just that I thought it might be awkward for you.
But it's absolutely your decision.
-More tea? -Sure.
Earl Grey? Fine, invite whoever you want.
I don't want to be single, okay? I just want to be married again.
And I just want a million dollars! Oh God, Monica.
Thank God! This is Rachel.
Another Lincoln High survivor.
This is Chandler.
-Do you remember Ross? -Sure.
Back in high school I had a major crush on you.
I knew.
You did? I figured you thought I was Monica's geeky brother.
I did.
Listen, do you think Try not to let my intense vulnerability become a factor.
Would it be okay if I asked you out sometime? Maybe.
Okay, maybe I will.
See, I see big passion in your future.
-Really? -I do.
Ross, you're so great.
It's never gonna happen.
I have a question.
Actually, it's not so much a question.
It's more of a general wondering ment.
Well, for a while now, I've been wanting to.
Yes, yes.
That's right.
Look! What? Top of the world looking Down on creation And the only explanation I can find Listen, missy! If you want this cart, you'll have to take me with it! -Did you see that? -You were incredible! A brand-new woman, ladies and gentlemen.
I could not have done this without you.
More clothes in the dryer? I'm fine.
You had no right to tell me you had feelings for me.
I was doing great with Julie before I found out.
I was doing great too.
It's not easy for me to see you with Julie.
I don't need this right now.
It's too late.
I'm with somebody else.
This ship has sailed! All right, fine! Go ahead and do that.
I don't need your stupid ship! This is the first time I'm doing something I care about.
I'm doing something that I'm actually good at.
If you don't get that I get that, but I'm tired of your answering machine.
I don't know what to do.
Neither do l! Is this about Mark? Oh, my God! Okay, it's not.
I can't keep having this same fight over and over again.
You're making this too hard! I am? What do you want me to do? I don't know.
Look, maybe we should just take a break.
You're right.
Let's cool off.
Let's get some frozen yogurt or something.
A break from us.
-Why are we rushing? -The girlfriend I told you about.
She wants to get back together with me.
I found it! That's so great for you guys! -Good luck with your girlfriend.
-Thank you.
-You got my message? -You are right on time.
Can I be your girlfriend again? You can very much.
I want you to leave.
Get out! I want to talk about this.
All right, how was she? -What? -Was she good? Don't answer! You wanted to talk about it.
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