Are you kidding me? Joey? Did I wake you? The One with All the Wedding Dresses Gunther, could I get another cup of coffee? So what do you do when you're not working here? -You don't need to fill these silences.
-Okay, thanks.
That's your fourth cup of coffee.
Okay, do me.
I've had a certain number of juices.
I'm exhausted because Joey started snoring.
He's in a different room.
He's that loud? You should hear me.
It's nothing to be proud of.
Go to a sleep clinic.
I'm not going to any clinic.
I don't have a problem.
You have the problem.
You should go to a "Quit-being- a-baby-and-leave-me-alone" clinic.
-They don't have those.
-Yeah, they do.
Quit being a baby and leave me alone! There, you just had your first class.
I used to date a light sleeper.
Whenever I snored, he rolled me over Oh, yeah! He'd roll me over, and I'd stop snoring.
Next time you snore, I'm rolling you over! I gotta do what I gotta do.
You gotta do what you gotta do.
Hey, guys.
Oh, the Olympics! -Have you picked a date? -No.
Not yet.
I still cannot believe you're engaged.
Because it's so fast.
Not because you're a loser.
Has anyone seen Rach? She's upstairs not doing the dishes.
I won't do them this time.
Even if they sit there until.
I'll do them when I get home.
Emily found this wedding dress in London -Already? -But it didn't fit.
There's a store here with one left in her size.
But the groom can't see -I'll pick it up for you.
She's got you running errands, picking up wedding dresses.
Wah-pah! What's wah-pah? You know.
Wah-pah! That's not whipped.
Whipped is.
That's what I did.
You can't do anything! Hey, Mon.
I was just doing these dishes.
Do you have a minute? I was just about to take a break anyway.
So listen I know we haven't had a chance to talk since Emily and l decided to get married.
And I was just wondering how you were.
If you were getting married, I would feel kind of.
You know? It definitely took me by surprise.
But, you know I'm okay.
I just wanted to check.
That's sweet.
Thank you.
You're great.
And I know someday this will happen for you too.
You just hang in there.
"Hang in there"? No, I didn't mean.
You haven't heard of a serious relationship called "me and Joshua"? I thought you had just been on four dates.
I didn't realize that had become anything.
Oh no, it has become.
Oh no, those were four great dates.
I mean, and the connection! Emotionally, mentally.
You know? Physically.
-That's incredible.
-I know, isn't it? I'm right there with Joshua.
You are right there with Emily.
And it's kind of like it's a tie.
I gotta get back to my dishes.
I gotta get to work.
You know what would make me happy? You know, what's that? If the four of us could all, you know, hang out together.
Emily's coming into town this weekend.
Why don't we all have dinner Sunday night? That would be great! All right.
It's a date! "Hang in there.
" You hang in there.
-Did you say something? -No, just singing.
Oh, my God! Look at this one! It's so beautiful.
About half of these will end up getting divorced.
May I help you ladies? I'm here to pick up a dress on hold.
What's the name? -Emily Waltham.
-Yes, I have it right here.
Would you like to try it on, Miss Waltham? You're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen.
I am, aren't l? Miss Waltham? We're closing.
All right.
And could I get my ring back? All right, buddy.
Time to roll over.
You are going to a clinic! You're going to a clinic! And a pajama store! Does she use the cups? Yes, I believe she does.
Does she use the plates? Yes, I believe she does! Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for coming.
-Just a second.
-No, no! Let me in! Can you hold on a minute? No! You have to let me in right now! Are you alone? All right.
This sucks.
I have to stay up all night before I go to the stupid clinic.
I'm so tired.
It's six o'clock.
I hear you and Joshua are going out with Ross and Emily.
I think that's really cool.
I think you're handling that really well.
"Handling it"? There's nothing to handle.
Maybe I'd have a problem with this if it wasn't for me and Joshua.
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