Morning's here The morning's here Sunshine is here The sky is clear The morning's here The morning's here Hey! Do you have to do that? It's Saturday! Oh, come on! Morning's here! I hate this apartment! I hate this wall color! I hate that it still smells like bird! I hate that singing guy! Are you kidding? I love that guy! Morning's here Stop it! I will kill you.
I hate that my room is so small.
I have all the space I need.
Do what I did.
You don't even have a bed.
You sleep in a ball on the floor! I am tired of your bellyaching.
I've worked hard to make this a nice place for us.
I know.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, okay? It's a great apartment! Shut up! This place is a hole! The One with All the Haste I still can't believe you've got an earring! I know, I know.
Who am l? David Bowie? He does that? I don't know.
I think it makes you look really dangerous.
Oh, I know.
You know what? I never would've gotten this if it weren't for you.
When I'm with you, I'm like this whole other guy.
I love that guy! I mean, I love you too.
A lot.
But that guy! I love that guy! I love both of you.
I wish I didn't have to go.
Then don't.
Stay here.
Don't go so soon to London.
Just one more day.
Please don't do this to me again.
I'd stay, but I've already missed so much work.
They'll fire me.
So? Then you could stay as long as you want.
I wish I could.
Oh, no.
Don't start packing.
Come on! I don't think you understand packing.
I don't want to leave it till last.
Last time, I left my knickers here.
Yeah, I know.
I tried them on.
You didn't! No, I didn't.
I didn't want to be "that guy.
" Excuse me? Your pants.
Oh yeah! You like them? I went to a used-clothes store and got maternity stuff.
These are so comfortable.
Pheebs, those are Santa pants.
Santa pants.
Santa Claus' pants.
They're maternity pants.
They even came with a list of baby names.
See? These names are good, and these are bad.
Hey, Phoebes.
So, how are the elves? I don't know.
How are theyou know? Your clothes aren't funny.
What should I wear to a Knicks game? A T-shirt that says, "l Don't Belong Here"? You have tickets? Mom got Dad's season tickets in the divorce, so she gave them to me.
Apparently, they're good seats.
Oh, my God! Those are almost on the floor! I could slip Woody Allen my resume.
Do you guys want these? Yeah, we do! Well, you got them! Just give us our apartment back.
Oh, I didn't see that coming.
Are you serious? Come on.
We know what these are worth.
Do you think we're stupid? Not stupid.
You're meaner than I thought.
What do you say? Forget it.
I'm not giving up my bachelor pad for basketball seats.
Your "bachelor pad"? Have you even had a girl here? No.
But Joey has, and I usually talk to them in the morning.
Yeah, you do! Come on! Gunther, can I get two cups of chino, please? Good one.
Come on.
Season tickets! Season tickets! You know what that means? I'm not giving up the apartment.
When I was a kid, my dad's company gave season tickets to the No.
1 salesman every year.
My dad never won.
Of course, he wasn't in sales.
But still, I never forgot that! Hey guys! Oh, my God! We don't make enough fun of you already? Oh, yeah.
Emily convinced me to do it.
You do know that Wham broke up? I like it.
Emily likes it.
That's what counts.
So, how are you guys doing? Don't try and talk all normal with that thing in your ear.
Where's Emily? She's saying goodbye to her uncle.
Didn't she, like, just get here? Easy, tiger.
I just hate this so much.
Every time I go pick her up at the airport, it's so great.
But I'm thinking, "I'll be right back in a couple of days, dropping her off.
" -So what'll you do? -There's nothing to do.
She lives there.
I live here.
She'd have to move here.
She should move here.
What? -I can ask her to live with me.
-Are you serious? -I mean, why not? -You've only known her six weeks! I've got a carton of milk in my fridge I've had a longer relationship with.
Look, guys, when I'm with her, it's like.
She brings out this great side of me.
I mean, I love her, you know? And I love the milk! But I won't ask some British girl to move in with me.
Joey, you say things now.
Look, Ross.
He's right.
Emily's great.
She's great! But this is too soon.
You'll only scare her.
I don't want to do that.
You don't want to wreck it.
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