Oh, man! -What's that? -Treeger's snaking the shower drain.
What in the name of hell? Maybe he found your flip-flop.
Is this porn? I must have hit something on the remote.
Do we pay for this? We didn't even pay our cable bill.
Maybe this is how they punish us.
Maybe we shouldn't pay our phone bill.
Free phone sex.
Maybe we shouldn't pay our gas bill.
Hey, that lady's all kinds of naked.
Joey pressed something on the remote and it just came on.
It happened to me once.
It was like finding money.
Finding money with naked people on it! But I made the mistake of turning off the TV.
I never got it back again.
And I'm sad.
Why would he turn off the TV? The One with the Free Porn Do we really have to watch this while we eat? We don't know what could make this go away.
So no one touches the remote, and no one touches the TV.
And no one touches the air around the TV.
Imagine a protective porn bubble, if you will.
I'm at least going to mute it.
We still have porn.
What are you doing? That's too heavy.
Give it here.
Oh, God.
I'm too pregnant for lugging around a stupid massage table.
I need a job with a smaller table.
Or a job without a table.
You mean, like a doctor? You're blocking the porn! That reminds me.
I have to see my ob-gyn today.
Emily just went to the airport.
Why didn't you take her? Her uncle had planned to do it.
We said our goodbyes this morning.
You must feel horrible.
Hey, the guys have free porn.
Hey, cheer up.
You'll see her again, right? I don't know.
When I brought it up, she said "This is so fantastic.
Why talk about the future? -Let's enjoy" -Don't do the accent.
It really bums me out.
Emily said I was pretty good.
Well, that's someone you should hang on to.
You've got to see her again.
-Why do you care? -Because! You could live out my fantasy.
You had fantasies about Emily? You know, the fantasy.
Meet a foreigner, fall madly in love and spend your lives together.
Is that why you hung out with that Ukrainian kid in school? Yeah, plus his mom used to put sour cream on everything.
Do you love her? We said it would only be two weeks.
You love her.
What is love, really? I knew you loved her! You go to the airport and tell her.
You'll probably catch her at the gate.
You'll call her name and yell "l love you!" She'll say "l love you too!" Then you will have the most amazing kiss.
Everyone at the gate will applaud.
I am a good kisser.
Then you two can sneak into the cockpit.
Things will start to heat up.
And then a stewardess comes in.
I've been watching too much porn.
-ls that the heartbeat? -That's it.
Oh, my God! This is so cool! Have we talked about multiple births? Let's take care of this one.
If l get pregnant again, I have your card.
No, I'm getting three separate heartbeats.
You guys were worried I wouldn't even have one.
Doctors are wrong all the time.
Are you sure that there are three? -Definitely.
-Oh, my God.
So in a few months, I'll have three babies walking around inside me? It'll be like one of those log rides when they come shooting out.
Giving birth to three is like giving birth to one.
What do you know? -Have you ever had triplets? -No.
I'm sorry, I haven't.
I'm going to use this a lot.
How'd it go at the doctor's? You know how, when you're walking down the street and you see three people in a row.
And you say "Oh, that's nice.
" Good news! You'll have three babies.
Three babies? I've finally got my band! We'll have a big family! I always wanted a big family.
Oh, God, I'm so glad you're happy! I was afraid you'd be freaked.
Why would we be freaked? Because it's harder to raise them and the added expense.
No, back to happy.
Back to happy! It's going to be fine because I teach home ec.
I can have 30 kids making baby clothes all year long.
It'll be like my very own little sweatshop.
I was thinking, ever since you said we'd have triplets.
The best thing for me to do is drop out of college and get a job.
No, you can't quit college.
You're in college? Refrigerator college.
When we found out we were having a baby I figured I should have a career, you know? And I love refrigerators.
You can't give up on your dream! No, it's okay.
We're going to have three kids.
And that's a different kind of dream.
Three kids and no money.
This is the boarding call for flight 009.
What are you doing here? I had to see you before you took off.
You are so sweet.
That's a big candy bar.
I had the most amazing time with you.
Me too.
This is the final boarding call for flight 009.
Well, that's me.
Here, have this.
I'm only allowed one piece of carry-on.
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