Cereal killer.
Cereal killer? Hey, come on, I say more dumb things before 9 a.
m than most people say all day.
What? I can't find anything that I wanna eat.
Everything makes me nauseous.
I'm telling you, being pregnant is no piece of cake.
Oh, cake! No.
Honey, I'm sorry.
What is that smell? It's coming from the bathroom.
Pregnancy does give you some weird cravings.
It's me.
It's Phoebe.
Listen, there's something in here I want to eat.
What smells so good? -ls it the shampoo? It's guava.
Is it my bologna sandwich? Yes.
I can't believe it.
The baby wants bologna.
The baby wants meat.
I can't eat meat.
Wait! Maybe it's the pickle! The One With the Fake Party What are you writing? Joshua's coming in tomorrow, and since I don't have the guts to ask him out I'm gonna sell him a coat and put this note in the pocket.
"Joshua, give me a call sometime.
Guys like you never go out of style.
" What did you throw away? -Hi, guys.
-What have you guys been up to? We went to see a collection of Victorian doorknobs at the museum.
Without me? My uncle dragged us there, but it turned out to be really interesting.
They were so ornate and beautiful.
Look at that.
I don't know how museums work in England, but here, you're not supposed to take stuff.
I got it from the gift shop.
They have really lax security there.
It's a joke.
Anyone for more tea? No, just me then.
Hey, Ringo.
Every time Emily's around, you talk like her.
Would you please cut it out? I think you like it.
I think you can't resist me when I do it.
You want to eat me up like a cream "pumpy.
" -What? -All right, look, I don't know all the words.
I've got to be off.
I'll see you.
Bye-bye, then.
Bye-bye, then.
You guys seem to be having a good time.
She is amazing, and she's so much fun.
And you know what? When I'm with her, I'm fun! I do things like run off to Vermont and you guys saw the doorknob.
I even signed up for helicopter classes.
She's leaving in two days.
I don't have to do it.
Two days? You must be bummed.
She's got to go back to London, but I've been prepared for this from the start.
We both knew we had two weeks together, and then that's it.
Hey, that's what all my relationships are like.
Yes, but in Ross' case, they both know in two weeks that's it.
-Pheebs! -Hello.
No, I know.
So the baby is totally craving meat.
I tried tricking it, and I made it a soy burger, so that maybe it'd think it was getting meat.
And I got nauseous.
Maybe that's because soy burgers suck.
But I'm no obstetrician.
Being pregnant is hard on your tummy.
At least you got that cool, pregnant-lady glow.
That's sweat.
You throw up all morning, you'll have that glow too.
-Here's that trench coat that you wanted.
It's comfortable.
You could really flash somebody in this.
They don't want you to put your hands in the pockets until you are out of the store.
Why not? Well, because we get a lot of They ruin it for everybody.
I know.
I wore that sweater on a date last night.
It was the first date since the divorce.
So do you love her? She's nice, but it made me realize I'm just not ready to be dating.
That's interesting.
-What was that? -Just an anti-theft device.
Then what's this? You need that too, because a thief could just tear this up.
We have to have a party in five minutes, so everybody cancel your plans.
What's going on? We have to have a bon-voyage party for Emily.
But it's actually for Joshua.
That sucks.
Nobody's ever thrown me a bon-voyage-Emily party.
He said he's not ready to date.
So I had to invite him to a party if I wanted to see him outside of work.
And now I have created the perfect opportunity to seduce him.
As much as I'd like to meet Josh and warn him Emily and I won't be here.
She's gonna come by to say goodbye and then I've got a special evening planned.
No party.
-Hello? -Surprise! Surprise! No one's thrown me a surprise party before.
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