So your first sexual experience was with a woman? I was 1 5.
It was my best friend, Ruth.
And we got drunk on that hard cider.
And then suddenly, we were making out.
Tell it again.
Can that woman talk about anything else but sex? Yeah, sure.
Earlier she was talking about geography.
She was listing the countries she's done it in.
I think we all learned something.
Hey, you guys! Look what I found! That's my mom's writing.
"Me and Frank and Phoebe, graduation, 1 965.
" -Do you know what that means? -That you're actually 50? That's not "me" Phoebe.
That's her pal, Phoebe.
According to her yearbook, they were BFF.
Best Friends Forever.
That's great! I know! She probably has all kinds of stories about my parents.
She might know where my dad is.
I looked her up.
She lives by the beach.
Maybe this weekend we can go there.
-Shoot, I can't go.
I have to work.
-That's too bad.
Big fat bummer.
So tomorrow we'll drive out to Montauk.
Hey, Bonnie had sex there! The One At the Beach .
cz) Would you look at them? I'm never gonna find a boyfriend again.
I'm gonna die an old maid.
You're not gonna die an old maid.
Maybe an old spinster cook.
-Besides, worse comes to worse.
I'll be your boyfriend.
Yeah, right.
Why is that so funny? You made a joke, right? So I laughed.
A little too hard.
Am I not boyfriend material? You're Chandler.
You know.
Chandler! Okay, so we've established my name, and hit me.
But say we weren't friends.
Say it's a blind date.
I show up at your door and I'm, like, "Hey, nice to meet you.
" I'd probably be scared of a guy using a fake voice.
Oh, good.
You bought food.
No, just my luggage.
I am having the best karma this week.
I find this woman who knew my parents.
and then my client gives me his beach house.
What about that bike messenger you hit? Oh, I wasn't talking about his karma.
Hey, check out the hat! Wait a minute, I know that hat.
I was taken aboard that hat.
They did experiments on me.
I can't have children! Seriously, where did you get the hat? Ross gave it to me.
I think she looks good.
Did he buy it for you.
or win it for you? Excuse me, my fashion-impaired friends.
I'm here to tell you hats are back.
And this time, they've ganged up and formed one giant super-hat.
Go, go, go! Now everybody wants to be under the hat! What's with all this sand? Bob said there might be flood damage.
Either that or he has a really big cat.
It's kind of an unusual house.
It has three beautiful bedrooms and no baths.
But, you know, the ocean is right there.
Knock, knock, knock.
Hang on.
Come in, come in.
Think about it and call me back.
Are you Phoebe Abbott? Surprise, Phoebe Abbott! I'm your best friend's daughter! You're lrwin's daughter? I mean your old best friend.
-Lily? From high school? Remember? -Oh, God, Lily.
Of course I remember Lily.
Then you must be-- Phoebe, Phoebe.
She named me after you, I guess.
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