Whose idea was it to put everybody in the diner on skates? Some idiot customer put a suggestion in the suggestion box.
-Oh, my God! They took my idea! -That was you? Okay, there you go.
Rachel, I made you cocoa.
Oh, that's so.
Oh, my God! Are you guys okay? Oh, my.
The One With a Chick and a Duck .
cz) You know, with that goatee, you kind of look like Satan.
So that's why the priest threw holy water on me.
You have to cheer up.
You should come out with Ross and me.
Anything is better than sitting here crying all day about Kate.
I was crying because nobody believed Quincy's theory.
I'm gonna be on Tv! No way! They're putting together a panel to talk about the fossils in Peru.
The Discovery Channel's filming it! Oh, my God! Who's gonna watch that? Thanks.
You ready to go? I saw a girl with that vest.
Most of us think of chocolate and baskets as traditional Easter gifts.
Some people insist on giving live chicks as presents.
Unfortunately, most of these guys won 't live to see the 4th of July.
As a result of improper care, they will be dead.
You guys got any of those baby chicks? I was watching this commercial on Tv, and, man, those things are cute! Pete, you're back! Hey, check this out! Skates! You're sturdier than Chandler.
He crumbled like a piece of paper.
How was your trip? What'd you bring me? Hotel toiletries from Japan! These are gonna go in my permanent collection.
-Want some coffee? -That'd be great.
Regular or decaf? Whichever's closest.
-Ask me what I did today.
-What did you do today? I bought a restaurant and I'd like you to be the chef.
Can you believe he offered me a restaurant? What a jerk.
You want me to kick his ass? It's been my dream since I got my first Easy-Bake Oven.
and opened Easy-Monica's Bakery.
I would kill for this job.
I can totally do this job.
and God knows, I've paid my dues.
But Pete's doing this because he has a crush on me.
And you're still not attracted to him at all? How could I accept a restaurant from him? I can't.
I couldn't accept a necklace from Stu vincent in the 7th grade.
But, Mon, that was totally different.
He was your health teacher.
What, honey? My side hurts from when you crashed into me.
Oh, God, I'm so sorry.
Oh, God! Hey, you guys.
Guess what? Got a job on a riverboat? I didn't wear this suit for a year, because you hated it.
You're not my girlfriend anymore, so: : : : I see.
This suit is making a point.
Now that you're on your own, you're free to look as stupid as you'd like.
You like it, right? I like it even more on you than I did on Colonel Sanders.
Ross, I'm kidding.
Come here.
What were you gonna tell us? Was it how you invented the cotton gin? So after you put the suggestion in the box.
how long did it take for it to happen? About three months.
So I guess that's about two weeks before the topless thing kicks in.
I got you something.
Open it! Open it! It's a chicken.
It's cute, huh? You guys? Do you know anything about chicks? Fowl? No.
Women? No.
They are a huge responsibility.
Especially at this age.
They require constant care.
They need just the right food and lots and lots of love.
Well, no problem there.
Easy, Lenny.
So, I mean, have you thought about it? Okay, here's the thing.
Not "the thing.
" I hate "the thing.
" What's "the thing"? I can't do it.
I'm sorry.
I wish I could.
but you have these feelings for me.
That's what you're worried about? If that's the problem, we've got no problem.
I was gonna tell you over dinner, but I met somebody else, on my trip.
Her name's Ann.
She's a journalist.
We met on the plane.
She wanted to finish off my peanuts.
I thought she said something else.
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