-Here you go.
-Thank you.
"Say, Rachel l was wondering if you'd go to a movie with me sometime as my lover.
" Too out there.
"Maybe you'd like to have dinner with me sometime as my lover.
" All right, let's go shopping.
Before we go, there's something I need to say.
I've kind of had this crush on you.
Since you were with Ross, I didn't do anything about it.
Now that you're not, I'd really like to ask you out sometime.
So that's what I'm doing.
: : :now: I dropped a cup.
The One With the Tiny T-Shirt .
cz) So within a few years, voice recognition.
will be standard on any computer.
You know, so you could be, like, "Wash my car.
" "Clean my room.
" It won't be able to do any of those things, but it'll understand.
Oh, this was so great.
Yeah, it was.
All right, then.
Hello, people who do not live here.
I gave you a key for emergencies.
We were out of Doritos.
Hey, how'd the date go with Mr.
Millionaire? "Mr.
New, from Snooty Playthings.
Third wife sold separately.
" He's great.
We have such a good time together.
He's so funny and so sweet.
And I'm not attracted to him at all! Still? It's driving me crazy.
In every other way, he's the perfect guy.
He has everything.
Plus, he actually has everything.
Life-sized lmperial Storm Troopers from Sharper lmage? Two.
Can Joey and I put them on and fight? Oh, Mommy! Oh, Daddy! I am a big old baddy Oh, Mommy! Oh, Daddy! I am a big old baddy I guess he must've gotten the part in that play.
Either that, or Gloria Estefan was right.
Eventually, the rhythm is going to get you.
-Joe, how's it going? -Good.
So you're playing Adrianne? Yes.
Are you one of the retarded cousins? No.
I'm playing your husband, victor.
I'm Joey Tribbiani.
Nice to meet you.
Kate Miller.
So the play's pretty great, huh? Oh, yeah.
I love Jennifer Banberry's work.
She's so incisive when it comes to deconstructing the middle class.
Oh, forget about it.
She rocks! Where do I know you from? Dr.
Drake Ramoray? Days of our Lives? voted most datable neurosurgeon by Teen Beat? No, that's not it.
So you're a soap actor.
This must be exciting for you, being in a real play.
Hey, I've done plays before.
I'm a serious actor.
That infomercial! For the milk-carton-spout thing! You're the guy who doesn't know how to pour milk! I actually can pour milk.
But I got you believing that I couldn't.
Now, see, that's acting.
At the end, you choked on a cookie.
That was real.
-I cannot believe Mark asked you out.
-I know.
What are you gonna tell him? I told him I would think about it, but I'm gonna tell him no.
I think I'd say no to anybody right now.
But it was so strange.
I mean, I'm standing there.
with this charming, cute guy who's asking me to go out with him.
which I'm allowed to do.
and I felt guilty, like I'd be cheating on Ross or something.
So, okay, maybe that means.
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瑞克和莫蒂 Rick and Morty老友记 Friends火线 The Wire怪诞小镇 Gravity Falls探险活宝 Adventure Time with Finn and Jake无耻之徒(美版) Shameless飞出个未来 Futurama欢乐一家亲 Frasier 成长的烦恼 Growing Pains兄弟连 Band of Brothers飞哥与小佛 Phineas and Ferb风骚律师 Better Call Saul少年正义联盟 Young Justice亿万 Billions咱们裸熊 We Bare Bears副总统 Veep鬼屋欢乐送 Ghosts伦敦生活 Fleabag绅士杰克 Gentleman公关 Flack梅尔罗斯 Patrick MelroseCopyright © 2021 TaiCiShe.com 版权所有。 联系我们