Can I see the comics? This is the New York Times.
Okay, may I see the comics? I thought you were taking Ross to the game.
-We are.
He's meeting us here.
-No, Rachel's meeting us here! Come on! They can be in the same room.
-You should've been there last night.
-What happened? Ross was hanging out at our place.
Rachel comes over to borrow some moisturizer from Chandler-- How hard is it to say "something"? Rachel came over to borrow "something.
" Anyway, her and Ross just started yelling at each other.
Why was he yelling at her? He slept with someone else.
He says they were on a break when it happened.
so she should've forgiven him by now.
He is so unreasonable! God! Although I understand what he means.
Oh, my God! This is like 60 Minutes .
when at first you're mad that pharmaceutical company made the drug.
And then, you just feel bad for the people, because.
they needed to make their hair grow.
You know, this is like when my parents got divorced.
I hope Ross doesn't try to kidnap me after Cub Scouts.
I dreamed that Ross and Rachel were still together.
And we were all hanging out and happy.
I had the same dream.
-And nobody slept with the xerox girl.
-Oh, I had the opposite dream.
Maybe it's gonna be okay.
I mean, it's been a week.
It never takes me more than a week to get over a relationship.
It never takes you more than a shower to get over a relationship.
Let's go! Let's hit the road.
Let's get the show on it.
Let me get coffee.
I know the best coffeehouse.
And it's close.
Closer than here? Oh, look! I found coffee! Okay, let's skedaddle.
I'm not gonna drink somebody's old coffee.
Okay, Your Highness.
"Rachel, I'm really sorry.
" "Okay, Ross.
Wanna get back together?" "Yeah, okay.
" Did anyone else hear that? The One Without the Ski Trip .
cz) Is he here? Here's your moisturizer.
You guys are gonna love me! Okay, check it out.
Thursday night, five tickets.
Calvin Klein lingerie show, and you guys are coming with me.
I said that out loud, right? Yes, it's just that we kind of already.
made plans with Ross.
Well, okay.
Well, there you go.
It's just, he got this new home-theater dealy.
and he wants us to check it out.
He's excited about it too.
He even recorded showtimes on his answering machine.
-We're sorry, honey.
-Oh, it's okay.
Rach, it's not that we don't want to.
Are we talking models in their underwear? And heels.
Ross did ask us first, and we set that night aside.
Come on.
If he asked you first, it's only fair.
Oh, boy, do I feel bad! very bad.
Chandler, what are you doing? Oh, my God! You're smoking again? Well, actually, yesterday, I was smoking again.
Today I'm smoking, still.
Why would you start again after chewing all that quitting gum? This is just like my parents' divorce.
which is when I first started smoking.
Weren't you 9? I'm telling you something, that first smoke after naptime.
That's great.
With my luck, that's him.
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