'Cause every time I see your face I can 't help but fall from grace This girl's good.
Yeah, a song with rhyming words! I never thought of that before.
I like her.
Why? Because she can both sing and play guitar at the same time? That's all I'm looking for from these people.
Look at you, all jealous.
Come on, Pheebs.
You two have completely different styles.
She's more.
You know? And you're more.
Say you'll stay beside me See? Everybody else is happy she's done.
Okay, my next song's called: "Phoebe Buffay, What Can I Say? I Loved When We Were.
Singing Partners and I Shouldn't Have Left You That Way.
" One of those "Iook for the hidden meaning" songs.
The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner .
cz) Hey, Phoebe.
Hey, Leslie.
How'd you know I'd be here? I saw vlad at the place where they sell the big fish.
He said you played here a lot, so.
I have to go to the bathroom.
If "big-fish place" comes up again.
I'd like to know if that's several big fish or just one big fish.
So Phoebe says you write jingles.
Actually, I said she abandoned me to write jingles.
Anything we might've heard of? Home is never far away Home is Homestar Stew.
But I don't do that anymore.
I got kind of sick of it.
And then I couldn't come up with anything good, so they fired me.
Well, you know, I was just.
I was just thinking and just hoping that.
maybe you'd want to get back together? No, but, thanks.
Come on, Phoebe.
Would you just think about it? No, but, thanks.
See you, Pheebs.
That was kind of brutal.
Let this be a lesson to all of you.
Once you betray me, I become like the lce Woman.
I'm just very cold, hard, unyielding.
You know, nothing can penetrate this icy exterior.
Can I have a tissue? Is someone in there? I'm playing a daredevil game.
called "Wait Until the Last Moment Before I Burst and Die.
" Jeez, man! Did you fall--? Hi! So did you? Did you fall high? Someone was in the ladies' room.
I couldn't wait.
I left the lid up for you, though.
You know what, Gunther? Go ahead.
I'm talking to.
This is where you say your name.
I'm talking to Ginger, so.
Don't you have to use the bathroom? No, I just-- I'd rather talk to you.
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do have to go to the bathroom.
There's someone in here.
-Where's Chandler? -He can't make it.
He said he had to go back to his job and-- Joey? Joey Tribbiani? I can see you, okay? You're hiding behind the coats.
Close one.
Hi, sweetie.
Hey, Ross.
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