-Oh, I don't know.
-What? Well, as old as he is in dog years.
do you think Snoopy should still be flying this thing? Rachel? Yeah? Remember when you first came here and you got trained by another waitress? Sure! Do you need me to train somebody new? Good one.
Actually, Terry wants you to take the training again.
Do you believe that? Yeah.
The One Where Rachel Quits .
cz) So that's two boxes of the Holiday Macaroons.
On behalf of the Brown Birds of America, I salute you.
Just admit it.
You have no backhand.
Excuse me, little one.
I have a very solid backhand.
Shielding your face and shrieking like a girl.
is not a backhand.
I was shrieking.
Iike a Marine.
All right, watch me execute the three P's of championship play.
and panache.
You broke a little girl's leg? I know.
I feel horrible, okay? It says here that a Muppet got whacked on Sesame Street last night.
Where exactly were you around 1 0-ish? I'm going to see her.
I wanna bring her something.
-What would she like? -A Hello Kitty doll? The ability to walk? I'm gonna get back to retraining.
All right.
See you, guys.
Look out, kids! He's coming! I gotta go sell Christmas trees.
Have fun.
Oh, wait! No, don't! I forgot.
I am totally against that now.
What? Me having a job? No, I am against innocent trees being cut down in their prime.
and their corpses grotesquely dressed.
in, like, tinsel and twinkly lights.
How do you sleep at night? Well, I'm pretty tired from lugging the trees around.
You got this all wrong.
Those trees were born to be Christmas trees.
They're fulfilling their life purpose by making people happy.
Really? Yes! Yes, and the trees are happy too.
because for most of them, it's their only.
chance to see New York.
After you deliver the drinks, take the tray-- Gunther, please.
I have worked here for two and a half years.
I know the empty trays go over there.
What if you put them here? That's actually a good idea.
They'll be closer to the mugs.
You should have the other waitresses do that too.
They already do.
That's why they call it the tray spot.
I heard them talk about that.
I just thought it was a club they went to.
-I'm sorry.
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