-She totally winked at me! -She did not wink at you.
You always think somebody's winking at you.
The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy .
cz) I say "Tupelo Honey" by van Morrison.
No way! The most romantic song ever was "The Way We Were.
" I think the one that Elton John wrote for that guy on Who's the Boss? What song was that? Hold me close Young Tony Danza -Hi, Monica.
-Hi, Mon.
Oh, my God! Has she slept at all? It's been three nights in a row.
She finally stopped crying yesterday.
But then she found one of Richard's cigar butts on the terrace.
Okay, that explains it.
I got a call at 2 in the morning.
and all I could hear was this squeaky sound.
So I thought, "It's a mouse or a possum.
" Then I realized, like, okay.
where would a mouse or a possum get the money to make the phone call? -Morning.
You made pancakes? Yeah, like there's any way I could ever do that.
Monica and Rachel had syrup Now I can get my man to cheer up Good morning, Joey.
Good morning.
Why don't you stay home from work and just hang out with me? Oh, I wish.
You have that report to finish, and I've got to see my lawyer.
I can't believe I date a girl who's getting divorced.
I' m such a grownup.
I gotta go, I gotta go.
Not without a kiss.
Maybe I won't kiss you so you'll stay.
Kiss her.
Kiss her! I'll see you later, sweetie.
Bye, Joey.
Bye-bye, Janice.
When are you dumping her? Nope.
Not this time.
Come on, quit yanking me.
I' m not yanking you.
-This is Janice.
-Yeah, I know.
She makes me happy.
You look me in the eye and tell me, without blinking.
that you' re not breaking up with her.
No blinking.
I' m not breaking up with her! God, look what I found in the drain! What? It's some of Richard's hair! What do I do with this? Getting it away from me would be job one.
It's weird, but I don't want to throw this away.
This is all I have left of him.
drain hair.
Cool! It looks like a tiny little person drowning in your cereal.
-What is wrong with me? -You need to get some sleep.
I need to get some Richard.
You broke up with him for a reason.
I know.
I know.
I' m just so tired of missing him.
Tired of wondering why he hasn't called.
Why hasn't he? Maybe because you told him not to? What are you, the Memory Woman? They' re not breaking up! Chandler and Janice? They' re not breaking up! He didn't blink! I' m not surprised.
Have you seen them together? They' re really cute.
"Cute"? This is Janice! You remember Janice? Yes, I remember.
She's annoying.
But you know what? She's his girlfriend now.
I mean, what can we do? There you go! That's the spirit I' m looking for! "What can we do?" All right, who's first, huh? Ross? Chandler's our friend, and Janice makes him happy.
So I say we be adult about it and accept her.
We'll call that Plan B.
I was wondering.
do you still have that Navy uniform? No, I had to return it to the costume place.
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