Who the winny-binny boy? You the winny-winny-binny-binny boy! Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Why is he still crying? Don't worry.
Nothing can't be solved by happy keys.
yeah, I was feel much better when someone shaked Jacks medal in my face.
Let me hold him for a sec.
Here we go.
There we are.
Maybe it's me.
Don't be silly.
Ben loves you.
He's just being Mr.
Cranky Pants.
You know, I once dated a Miss Cranky Pants.
Lovely girl.
Kind of moody.
There we go, all better.
There's my little boy.
Can I see something? Cool! He hates me.
My nephew hates me! I'm unemployed, and my nephew hates me! Stop, don't do this.
You are just unemployed.
What if my own baby hates me? What do I do then? Monica, stop! This is nuts.
Do you know how long it'll be before you have to deal with this problem? You don't even have a boyfriend yet.
Joey, she does not look fat.
The One With the Baby on the Bus Here you go.
Goo, goo, goo! That is so funny! Let me see that a sec.
You okay? I don't know.
What's in this pie? I don't know.
Butter and eggs and flour and lime and kiwi Kiwi? Kiwi?! You said it was a key lime pie.
No, I didn't.
I said kiwi lime.
That's what makes it so special.
That's what's gonna kill me.
I'm allergic to kiwi.
No, you're not.
You're allergic to lobster and peanuts and Oh, my God! It's definitely getting worse.
Is your tongue swelling up? Either that or my mouth is getting smaller! Get your coat.
We're going to the hospital.
-Will he be okay? -He's gotta get a shot.
You know, actually, it's getting better.
It is.
Let's not go.
Anyone up for Scrabble? Jacket, now! What about Ben? We can't bring a baby to the hospital.
We'll watch him.
I don't think so.
I have seven Catholic sisters.
I've taken care of hundreds of kids.
Come on, we want to do it.
Don't we? I was gonna play basketball but I guess that's out the window.
If you take him out for a walk, remember to bring his hat.
There's milk in the refrigerator and diapers in the bag.
Hat, milk.
Got it! Consider it done! You understood? My uncle Sal has a really big tongue.
Is he the one with the beautiful wife? You want to hear the song I'm singing this afternoon? I wrote it this morning in the shower.
I'm in the shower And I'm writing a song Stop me if you've heard it My skin is soapy and my hair is wet And Tegrin spelled backward is nirget Rachel, sweetheart, could I see you for a minute? What's up? F Y I: I've decided to pay a professional musician to play here on Sundays.
Her name is Stephanie something.
She's supposed to be very good.
But what about Phoebe? It's not that your friend is bad.
It's that she's so bad she makes me want to put my finger through my eye into my brain and swirl it around.
Okay, so you're not a fan.
But, I mean, come on.
You cannot do this to her.
I have to do this to her? Lather, rinse, repeat And lather, rinse, repeat And lather, rinse, repeat As needed We didn't bring enough stuff.
Did you forget to pack the baby's anvil? I'm telling you, it'll be worth it.
It's a known fact that women love babies.
Women love guys who love babies.
It's the sensitive thing.
Aim him at that pack of babes.
Maybe one of them will break away.
Wait, forget them.
We got one.
Hard left.
-Give me the baby.
-No, I got him.
Come on, seriously.
Oh, seriously, you want him? Who is this little cutie-pie? Well, don't think me immodest, but me.
Want to smell him? I assume we're talking about the baby? He's got that great baby smell.
Get a whiff of his head.
My uterus just skipped a beat.
What'd I tell you? It's great you're doing this.
Well, we are great guys.
My brother and his boyfriend have been trying to adopt.
What agency did you two go through? But this is my gig.
This is where I play.
My name is written out there in chalk.
You know, you can't just erase chalk.
Honey, I'm sorry.
And he's going to be paying this woman? Why doesn't he just give her a throne and a crown? And, like, a gold stick with a ball on top? Terry is a jerk! That's why we always say, "Terry's a jerk!" That's where that came from.
You probably did everything you could.
You know what? Let me just see what else I could do.
Just let her go on after Stephanie whatever her name is.
You won't be here.
You don't pay her.
I don't know.
I'll clean the cappuccino machine! You don't clean the cappuccino machine? Of course I clean it.
I mean, I will clean it.
I mean, I will clean it.
All right, fine, fine, fine! -Done.
-Really? Who's working for you, babe? Oh, my God! This is so exciting! How much am I gonna get? What? He's paying the people who were playing.
I meant, he's paying that other woman because she's a professional.
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