Mom, would you relax? That was 10 blocks from here, and any women won't walking alone at night.
I would never do that.
Mom, come on, stop worrying.
This is a safe street.
This is a safe building.
There's nothing Oh, my God! What are you doing in here?! Mom, I gotta go! IT gotta go! Oh, my God! That's fine, you just read the paper.
I'm gonna get a pot.
It's not for you.
Okay, that's fine.
Read the Family Circus enjoy the gentle comedy.
Oh, my God, my God, my God, my God.
It's open, you guys.
Can I help you? Does Phoebe still live here? No, she doesn't.
But I can get a message to her.
Just tell her her husband stopped by.
Her what? How did you do that? The One With Phoebe's Husband This is unbelievable, Pheebs.
How can you be married? I'm not "married" married, you know? He's just a friend, and he's gay and he was from Canada, and he needed a Green Card.
I can't believe you married Duncan! How could you not tell me? We told each other everything.
I'm sorry, but I knew if I told you, you'd get judgmental and wouldn't approve.
Of course I wouldn't approve! You were totally in love with this guy who, hello, was gay.
What the hell were you thinking? See? And you thought she'd be judgmental.
I wasn't in love with him.
I was helping out a friend.
When he left town, you stayed in your pajamas for a month.
And I saw you eat a cheeseburger.
Well, didn't you? I might have.
I can't believe you didn't tell me.
Like you tell me everything? What have I not told you? I don't know.
The fact that the underwear out on the telephone pole is yours from when you had sex with Bobby on the terrace! What? Wait a minute! Who told you? You are dead meat.
I didn't know it was a big secret.
Oh, it's not big.
Not at all.
IKind of the same as, say I don't know, having a third nipple! You have a third nipple? You bitch! Whip it out! Whip it out! There's nothing to see! It's a tiny bump.
It's totally useless.
As opposed to your other multi-functional nipples? I can't believe you! You told me it was a nubbin.
Joey, what did you think a nubbin was? You see something, you hear a word, I thought that's what it was.
-Let me see it again! -Yes, show us your nubbin! Joey was in a porno movie! If I'm going down, I'm taking everybody with me! -Oh, my God! -You were in a porno?! I was young and I just wanted a job.
But I couldn't go through with it.
They let me be the guy who fixes the copier but can't because there's people having sex on it.
That is wild! -What's it shaped like? -ls it hairy? What happens if you flick it? So does it do anything, you know, special? Pressing my third nipple opens the delivery entrance to the magical land of Narnia.
In some cultures, having a third nipple is actually a sign of virility.
You get the best huts, and women dance naked around you.
Are any of these cultures, per chance, in the Tri-State area? You know, you are so amazing.
Is there anything you don't know? Julie's so smart! Julie's so special! I wanted you to hook up with Ross as much as you did.
But he's with her now.
You'll have to get over it.
Oh, I'm going to have to get over it.
I didn't know that's what I had to do.
I just have to get over it.
-Sassy lady! -Where are you going? I'm meeting Duncan.
He's skating tonight at the Garden.
He's in the Capades.
-The lce Capades? -No, the Gravel Capades.
The turns aren't as fast, but when Snoopy falls? Funny.
I can't believe you'd dress up for him.
You're setting yourself up all over again.
Okay, no.
For your information, I'm seeing him so I can put those feelings behind me.
The reason I'm dressed like this is because I think it's nice to look nice for your gay husband.
Darn it, we're all out of milk.
Chandler, will you fill me up here? I see, I see.
Because of the third-nipple thing.
Okay, sweetie, I'll see you later.
-See you later, Rach.
-Bye-bye, Julie.
Come on, cut it out! -Can I ask you something? -Sure.
What? Come on, talk to me.
What's the longest you've been in a relationship before having the sex? Why? Who's not? Are you and Julie not? Are you and Julie not having sex? Technically? No.
Is it because she's so cold in bed? Or because she's kind of bossy, makes it feel like school? No! She's great.
And it's not like we haven't done anything.
We do plenty of other stuff.
Lots of other stuff like No! Don't need to know the details.
No, it's just.
It's me.
I've only been with one woman my whole life and she turned out to be a lesbian.
So now I've got myself all psyched out.
It's become, like, this this thing! You must just think I'm weird.
No, I don't think it's weird.
I think, in fact.
-ln fact, you know what I think? -What? I think it's sexy.
Sexy? Let me tell you something.
As a woman there is nothing sexier than a man who does not want to have sex.
No kidding? You know what I'd do? I'd wait.
-You'd wait? -Absolutely.
I would wait and wait.
Then I'd wait some more.
Really? I don't care if she tells you she wants it, she begs, she pleads she tells you she's gonna have sex with another man That just means it's working.
Women really want this? More than jewelry.
Look at you! You look great! Do l? Thank you.
So do you.
Sparkly! This is pretty wonderful, Mr.
Major Capades Guy! I remember when you were just King Friday in Mr.
Roger's Ice Is Nice.
You always said I'd make it.
Well, you know, I'm kind of spooky that way.
Gosh, I missed you! -I'm gonna get changed.
Oh! Right.
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