- Hey Joey, how'd the audition go? - Incredible! I met the director this time and you'll never believe who it was.
- Who? - All right.
I'll give you one hint.
Warren Beatty.
Yeah, there's just one thing that might be kind've a problem.
See, I, uh, had to kiss this guy.
'Cause he was just so darn cute.
No, as part of the audition.
See, I'm up for this part of this guy, who the main guy kisses.
Well, hey.
You're an actor, I say you just suck it up and do it.
Or you just do it.
I did do it, I'm a professional.
Besides my first girlfriend was Lisa Dibertis, so I am no stranger to the mustache.
Then what's the problem? See after the scene, Mr.
Beatty comes up to me and says 'good actor, bad kisser'.
Can you believe that, me not a good kisser, that's like, like Mother Theresa, not a good mother.
Well, come on, who cares what that guy thinks.
What does Warren Beatty know about kissing Ooh.
The one with Barry And Mindy's Wedding Hey, what did your agent say? Yep, this kiss thing is defiantly a problem, Mr.
Beatty wants to see it again on Monday.
Man, I gotta figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Oh, okay, one of you girls come over here and kiss me.
- What, forget it! - Yeah, right.
Come on, I need your help here.
All right.
I'll do it, I kissed him before I can do it again.
You see this, this is a friend.
Uh-huh, let's go.
Oh, wait I have gum.
Good, very good, firm but tender.
I'd recommend you to a friend.
Then I don't know what it is.
What's the problem? Joey, you know, maybe your just not used to kissing men, maybe you just tensed up a little, maybe that's what you need to work on.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Over my dead body! And I'll be using his dead body as a shield.
Come on out, honey! I'm telling you look good! Tell her she looks good, tell her she looks good.
Oh my God, you look so good! I can not believe I have to walk down the aisle in front of 200 people looking like something you drink when your nauseous.
So don't, I don't see why we have to go to this thing anyway, it's your ex-fiancee's wedding.
Because I promised Mindy I would.
Yeah, well you promised Barry, you'd marry him.
Look you guys, I have to go, I'm the Maid-of-Honor.
And besides you know what I just need to be in a room again with these people and feel good about myself.
Ooh-oh! Someone's wearing the same clothes they had on last night.
Someone get a little action? - I may have.
- Woo-hoo, stuud! - What's she look like? - Well, we haven't exactly met, we just stayed up all night talking on the internet.
Woo-hoo, geeek! I like this girl, okay, I seriously like this girl, you now how sometimes I tend get a little defended and quipy - Get out! - Nooo! Well she totally called me on it, okay.
She said, 'cut it out, get real', and I did.
Wow! What's that like? It's like this, me, no jokes.
All right, stop it, you're freaking me out.
Oh, yeah, I don't like you this way.
- All right, I'll see you guys later.
- Bye, Richard.
Bye sweetie, - I love you.
- I love you, too.
I think my boyfriend ever so dreamy, I wonder what our wedding's gonna be like.
What are you talking about? What wedding? Come on, like you never talk about that.
Nooo! Never! I mean, we're living in the moment.
God, it is so nice for once to not have to get all hung up on 'Where is this going?' - Afraid to ask him? - Could not be more terrified.
Well, I think you should seriously consider the marriage thing, give Rachel another chance to dress up like Princess Bubble Yum.
I was laughing at this quip leno made last night.
I was not laughing at your dress, I love you.
Where's Benny? There he is! Where's Benny, there he is.
Awww! You know that's probably why babies learn to talk, so they can tell grown ups to cut it out.
Hey, you know I got a question for ya.
Just a little thing, no pressure.
Did you ever, uh, like, think about the future? Sure I do.
Yeah, am I in it? Honey, you are it.
Oh God, you are about to get sooo lucky.
Keep talkin'.
Well, uh, sometimes I think about selling my practice, we could move to France, make French toast.
Okay, so, uh, we're in France, we're making the toast.
Do you see a little bassinet in the corner? Like a hound? Not a basset, a bassinet.
You really need the bassinet? Well, I just think the baby would keep falling off the dog.
Do you, uh, do you , do you not see kids in our future.
Oh, hey, I love children, I have children.
I just don't want to be 70 when our kids go off to college, and our lives can finally start.
Look I want you, now.
That's Great.
You know we don't need to talk about this now.
Really, I mean this is, is so way, way, way, in the future, I'm talkin' hovercrafts and apes taking over the planet.
Come on, Chandler, I want this part soo much.
Just one kiss, I won't tell anyone.
Joey, no means no! I'm sorry we, we don't have your sheep.
Aww, Rach, I think you look cute And you, uh, you, - you I could eat with a spoon - Get away from me I said no! - Richard buzzed.
He's waiting downstairs.
- Oh, Richard's here.
I should run down say bye to him Bye.
So how's your date with your cyberchick going.
Ooh, hey, what is all that? Oh, it's a website, it's the, uh, the Guggenheim museum.
See, she likes art, and I like funny words.
What does she mean by HH? It means we're holding hands.
Are you the cutest? I'm afraid I might just be.
You know, what I think is so great that you are totally into this person and yet for all you know she could be like 90 years old, or have two heads, or.
It could be a guy.
Okay, it's not a guy, all right, I know her.
It could be like a big giant guy.
Man, I got this close to him and Monica kneed me in the back.
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