These were unbelievely expensive and he'll grow out of them in 20 minutes, but I couldn't resist! Look at these.
Hey, Ben.
"Just do it"! Oh, my God! Was that too much pressure for him? -ls he hungry already? -I guess so.
You know, it's.
Something funny about sneakers.
I'll be right back.
I gotta get one too.
Hey, what are you guys doing? We're just hanging out by the spoons.
Ladle? Will you guys grow up? This is the most nature beautiful thing in the world.
Yeah, we know.
But there's a baby sucking on it.
This is my son having lunch, okay? It'll happen a lot, so get used to it.
If you're uncomfortable, just ask questions.
Carol's fine with it.
Carol? I'm wondering, could Joey ask you a question about breast-feeding? Sure.
Does it hurt? It did at first, but not anymore.
Chandler? So, how often can you do it? As much as he needs.
Okay, I got one, I got one.
If he blows into one, does the other one get bigger? The One With the Breast Milk -Any muffins left? -Yeah, I forget which ones.
You're busy, I'll get it.
-Anyone else want one? -No, thanks.
You're losing your apron.
Let me get it.
-There you go.
-Thank you.
What a bitch! I have a friend at Bloomingdale's who's quitting and he wants to abuse his discount.
Anyone want to come take advantage of it? I have to take my grandmother to the vet.
-I'll go with you.
-Hi, honey.
-Hey, sweetums.
And hello to the rest.
You can't go shopping with her.
What about Rachel? Will it be a problem? You're going to Bloomingdale's with Julie.
It's like cheating on Rachel in her house of worship.
Monica, she will kill you.
She will kill you like a dog in the street! So Jules tells me you guys are going shopping tomorrow.
It's actually not that big a deal.
It's a big deal to me.
This is great.
I really appreciate this.
You're welcome.
Bijan for men? Bijan for men? -Hey, Annabel.
-Hey, Joey.
Did you hear about the new guy? Nobody knows his name.
Me and the girls call him "The Hombre Man.
" Hombre? What's he doing in my section? I guess he doesn't know.
Well, he's gonna.
I'll see you a little later, okay? Hey, how you doing? Mornin'.
Listen, I know you're new but it's understood that everything from young men's to the escalator is my territory.
"Your territory"? -Bijan for men? -No, thanks.
Hombre? Yeah, all right.
You were saying? Phoebe, listen.
You were with me, and we were shopping all day.
We shopped and we had lunch.
What did I have? -You had a salad.
-No wonder I don't feel full.
What's up? I went shopping with Monica and I had a salad.
Good, Pheebs.
What'd you buy? We went shopping for.
For fur.
You went shopping for fur? And then I realized that l'm against that.
So then we bought some.
You bought boobs? Bras! We bought bras! We bought bras.
Bijan for men? Bijan for men? Bijan for.
Hey, Annabel.
I was wondering if after work we could grab a cup of coffee? Actually, I sort of have plans.
You ready, Annabel? You bet.
Maybe some other time.
It's not the first time I lost a girl to a cowboy spraying cologne.
Bijan for men? Bijan for men! And this is Funny Clown.
It's only for after his naps, not before, or he won't sleep.
We've been through this before.
We have a good time.
We laugh, we play.
It's like we're father and son.
Honey, relax.
Ross is great with him.
Don't look so surprised.
I'm a lovely person.
This is so cute! I got that for him! "My Mommies Love Me.
" That's clever.
Oh, hi, Jul.
Hi, Jew! Okay, sure.
That'd be great.
See you then.
Did you just say, " Hi, Jew"? Yes, I did.
That was my friend Eddie Moskowitz.
Yeah, he likes it.
Reaffirms his faith.
Ben, dinner! Thanks, Aunt Pheebs.
Did you microwave that? You can't do that to breast milk.
I think I know how to heat breast milk.
What did you just do? I licked my arm, what? It's breast milk! So? Phoebe, that is juice squeezed from a person.
What is the big deal? What did you just do? Can people stop drinking the breast milk? You won't even taste it? Not even if you just pretend it's milk? Not even if Carol's breast had a picture of a missing child on it.
-Where is everybody? -At the park.
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