-It's not fair.
It's my money.
-I know, but it's what Bread wanted.
-Ok, which one is she? -That's Bread's widow.
-Why she didn't upset? -Because she just find out and cut the wire.
-Didn't she find out she can't define the money.
-Oh, Drake.
-I'm sorry, Amber.
It's like Brad to have to have the last word.
Sorry I'm late.
What happened? We wanna see the end.
I want you, Drake.
I know you do.
But we can never be together that way.
What? There's something I never told you.
I'm actually your half-brother.
So what happens next? I get the medical award for separating the Siamese twins.
Then Amber and I go to Venezuela to meet our other half-brother, Ramon where I find the world's biggest emerald.
It's really big.
But it's cursed.
So cool! God, that is good TV! The One Where Dr.
Ramoray Dies Pheebs, play with me! This game is grotesque! Twenty armless guys joined at the waist by a steel bar forced to play soccer forever? Hello? Human rights violation! Don't feel so bad.
After playing I break out the plastic women and everybody has a good time.
Why don't you play with your roommate? He's not a big fan of foosball.
Are we not getting along with the new boy? No, he's all right.
He spends most of his time in his room.
That's because you haven't gotten to know him.
Let's remedy that, shall we? -We don't need to.
-lt'll be fun! What was that? I thought it'd be fun if we had beers and got to know each other.
All right.
Oh, good! Okay.
Oh, no! I have to go, because I'm late for my Green Eggs and Ham discussion group.
Tonight, it's "Why he would not eat them on a train.
" -Have fun! Bye! -That was so lame.
I know.
Okay, talk to him.
So you think that Speed Racer guy gets a lot of tickets or? That's good.
So who broke up with who? I broke up with her.
She actually thought Sean Penn was the capital of Cambodia.
When everybody knows that the capital of Cambodia is.
It's not Sean Penn.
I got a funny one.
My last girlfriend, Tilly.
We're eating breakfast, right? I made these pancakes.
Like, 50 pancakes.
All of a sudden, she turns to me and says, "Eddie I don't wanna see you anymore.
" It was literally like she had reached into my chest ripped out my heart and smeared it all over my life! There was this incredible abyss and I'm falling.
I keep falling and I don't think I'm ever gonna stop! That wasn't such a funny story.
And a crusty old man Said I'll do what I can And the rest of the rats Played maracas That's it! Thanks! Good night.
Phoebe's got another job, right? Great set tonight, Pheebs.
I know.
We should get going.
We should too.
I've got patients at 8 in the morning.
You know how we always stay at your apartment? I thought tonight we'd stay at my place.
I don't know.
I don't have my jammies.
You don't need them.
My baby sister, ladies and gentlemen.
Shut up.
I'm happy.
Oh, this is so nice! I have to make a speech.
Of all the guys that Monica has been with, and that is a lot I like you the best.
Thank you, Pheebs.
That's very sweet.
You hear that? She likes me best.
And apparently, there have been a lot.
Not a lot.
Phoebe's kidding.
Phoebe's crazy.
Phoebe's dead.
I'm looking for Eddie Manoick.
He's not here right now.
I'm Chandler.
Can I take a message or.
Or a fish tank? Thanks.
Come on in.
I'm Tilly.
I gather by that "Oh," he told you about me.
Yeah, your name came up in a conversation that terrified me to my very soul.
He's kind of intense.
Yes! Hey, can I ask you, is Eddie a little A little what? bit country? You know, a little rock and roll.
Come on in, you roomie! Hello, Tilly.
Eddie, I just came by to drop off your tank.
That was very thoughtful of you.
It's very thoughtful.
Well, okay then.
I'm gonna go.
So we getting a fish? You had sex with her.
Check it out, check it out! Soap Opera Digest! That's one of my favorite digests! Page 42! Page 42! "New Doc on the Block, Days of our Lives Joey Tribbiani.
" Cool picture! Oh, I look good.
Is this true? That you write a lot of your own lines? Well, kind of, yeah.
Remember last week when Alex was in the accident? The line in the script was "If we don't get this woman to a hospital, she's going to die.
" But I made it, "If this woman doesn't get to a hospital she's not gonna live.
" Oh, okay.
I see what you did there.
Aren't you afraid the writers will be kind of mad when they read this? I never thought about the writers.
The scripts just come to my house.
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