So what do you think? Casa de Joey.
-I decorated it myself.
-Get out! Wow, Joey, this is.
-Art it is.
Check this out! Is it a coffee table? Is it a panther? There's no need to decide.
Hey, nice pillow.
So tell me, is this genuine Muppet skin? Hey, excellent water, table thing.
I love this.
But you know what? It makes me want to pee.
Yeah, me too.
I think that's the challenge.
How come Chandler didn't come? It's because he had a thing with the with the thing.
I got it.
So why don't you show us the rest of your casa? The best part! Come on.
Nice toilet.
No, no, no.
Behind it.
-You have a phone in here? -That's right.
I have a phone.
In here.
Joey, promise me something.
Never call me from that phone.
The One Where Eddie Moves ln Okay, here we go.
Sorry, they were all out of apple pie.
Someone just got the last piece.
Oh, my God! You won't believe this! I have just been discovered.
Wait a minute.
I claimed you in the name of France four years ago.
Don't freak out and say how great this is until I'm done.
I just met this producer of this teeny record company who said that I have a very fresh, offbeat sound and she wants to do a demo of "Smelly Cat.
" Okay, I told you not to do that yet.
And she wants to do a video.
I'm not done yet, okay? God! If that goes well, they may even want to make an album.
I'm done now.
If you care about me, get the pie out of the man's hood.
-Get the what? -There's a pie in the hood.
Go! What are you doing? I'm sorry.
My pie was in your hood.
I have to get the coffee out of that guy's pants and I'll be back in the hospital by 7.
Damn it, Ross! Get your butt out of the bathroom! Calm down.
I'm blow-drying.
Blow-drying what? You have no hair.
What's going on? Your boyfriend has been in there for an hour! It's like I'm living with him again.
He's here when I go to sleep and wake up and when I want to shower.
I feel like I'm 16 again.
Well, you're not 16.
You're both adults now.
Get out, you doofus! Or, you know, he's rubber and you're glue.
All yours.
I hope you cleaned your hair out of the drain.
Shut up! Cut it out! I've never wanted you more.
Where is Howard? -He went home.
He said he might stop by after a shift.
He said he tell you he don't feel so good.
Hey what time do you get off? I'm not feel too good either.
So what do you say, boys? Should I call him? You know what they say: Ask your slippers a question you're going crazy.
I'm sorry I didn't make it over there today.
That's okay.
You had a thing.
I hear the place looks great.
Forget about it.
I'm having a ball! How's the apartment? It's terrific.
I mean, it's a regular space- -fest! Well, great.
Yeah, I just wanted to call and say hey.
Well, okay.
Was that the oven timer? That's right, my friend.
It's time for Baywatch! Can you believe they gave Stephanie skin cancer? I can't believe they made her lieutenant! You're saying that because you love Yasmine Bleeth.
How could anyone not love Yasmine Bleeth? Hey, they're running.
See, this is the brilliance of the show.
I say always keep them running.
All the time running! Run! Run! Run, Yasmine! Run like the wind! But you wanted to live by yourself.
I did.
I thought it'd be great.
I figured I'd have time alone with my thoughts.
But it turns out I don't have as many thoughts as you think.
Why don't you talk to Chandler about moving back? You really think he'd take me? We had a good talk last night but when I moved out, I hurt him bad.
He would definitely want you back.
I'm telling you, there's no way he's moving back.
But we had one of the greatest talks we ever had last night.
I mean, it was It was like when we first started living together.
I know you don't want to hear this right now but we've seen him in his new place.
And he's happy.
He's decorated.
Chandler, he has moved on, okay? You have to, too.
You'll have to accept the fact that you're just friends now.
You're not roommates anymore.
Okay, Phoebe.
You ready to try one? Smelly cat, smelly cat What are they feeding you? Smelly, smelly, smelly Really bad smelling smelly cat Whoa! Oh, my God! I mean, like, who was that? They're your backup singers.
Behind you, hon.
I thought they were just watching me.
Like at an aquarium, you know? You are so good, hi, you are so good.
All right.
Now everyone knows everyone.
Let's try it again.
From the top.
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