Hold on a second.
I got you something.
What's this? Eight hundred and twelve bucks.
Didn't Big Leon tell you? It's a thousand to have me for the whole night.
What's this for? Well, I'm making money now.
I'm paying you back for headshots, electric bills, all that pizza.
I love you, man.
Well, thanks, man.
Now I can get my pony.
This is a little extra something for always being there for me.
Wow, I don't know what to say.
Wow, I don't know what to say.
What do you say? I don't know.
It's a bracelet.
Isn't it? It's engraved, too.
Check it out.
"To my best bud.
" Thanks, best bud.
Put it on.
Now? No, it should be saved for a special occasion.
No, that's the beauty part.
It goes with everything.
When you put this on, you're good to go.
I'm never being good to go, so why don't try some jewrel.
Oh, man! You are so wearing that bracelet! I so am! Any idea what this will do for your sex life? It might slow down at first, but once I'm used to the extra weight, I'll be back on track.
The One With the Prom Video -This all looks good.
If I want to call for a reference on your last job? That's right there, see? The manager, Chandler Bing? All right.
Let's see if you're as good in person as you are on paper.
Make me a salad.
A salad? I could do something more complicated.
No, just the salad will be fine.
You got it.
Now I want you to tell me what you're doing while you're doing it.
All right.
Well, I'm tearing the lettuce.
Is it dirty? Oh, I'm gonna wash it.
I like it dirty.
That's your call.
So, what are you going to do next? I thought that l'd cut up the tomatoes.
Are they firm? They're all right.
You sure they haven't gone bad? You sure they're not very, very bad? No, really, they're okay.
You gonna slice them up real nice? I was going to do them julienne.
I'm out of here! Hello? Rachel's not here.
Can I take a message? How do we spell Casey? Is it like "at the bat" or "and The Sunshine Band"? Hey, who's this Casey? Some guy she met at the movies.
What does he want with her? I guess he wants to do a little dance you know, make a little love.
Well, pretty much get down tonight.
I don't know.
I don't I don't get it! Two months ago, Rachel and I were this close.
Now I'm taking messages from guys she meets at the movies? I mean, this Casey should be taking down my messages, you know? Or Rachel and I should be together and we should get some kind of message service.
Hang in there.
It's gonna happen.
Now, how do you know that? Because she's your lobster.
Oh, she's going somewhere.
It's a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life.
You know what? You can actually see old lobster couples walking around their tank, holding claws, like.
Hey, you feeling better? Yeah, I think that fifth shower got the interview off me.
Do you have other possibilities? There is the possibility that I won't make rent.
If you want, I can lend you money.
If I couldn't pay you back right away, I'd feel guilty and tense around you.
Then why not borrow it from Mom and Dad? You feel guilty and tense around them already.
Might as well make some money off of them.
The man's got a point.
What is that sparkly thing? That thing? Yeah, it's a little flashy.
No, no.
No, no.
It's not flashy.
Not for a goodfella.
Man, that is sharp! That must have cost you quite a few doubloons.
Hi, darling.
What's this? Some of your old stuff.
Well, sweetie, we have a surprise for you.
We're turning your room into a gym.
Wow, that is a surprise! Just one question.
Why not Ross's room? We talked about that but your brother had so many science trophies, plaques, merit badges.
We didn't want to disturb them.
God forbid! What's with you.
What can you tell us.
How is your job.
My job, well! Do I mention that I still don't have a boyfriend.
I just assume We were so sorry to hear about your parents splitting up.
Well, they're just separated.
You never know! We'll see.
I can't say any of us were surprised.
They've been unhappy ever since we've known them.
Especially after that incident in Hawaii.
What? What incident? No, no.
I must be thinking of someone else.
Maybe me! Don't you have some folding to do? Fold.
You fold.
-Want a refill? -I'm all right, thanks.
Give me a second.
I want to get this just right.
Dude, eleven o'clock, totally hot babe checking you out.
That was really good.
I think I'm ready for my penis now.
I know what you're thinking.
Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's.
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