- Hey.
- Hey.
We're here to say goodbye.
We're off to Ohio.
Oh, right, your adoption interview.
We'll meet the lady who could be carrying our baby.
I can't believe it.
When you come back, you'll have a baby.
That is so weird.
And so incorrect.
She's only a few months pregnant.
She liked our application but might not like us.
Come on, she's gonna love you guys.
Thank you.
But we're trying not to get our hopes up.
A lot could still get in our way.
She could decide against adoption, like another couple better.
What are you gonna name it? I could develop a condition in which I talk and talk and no one hears a word.
But just think, okay? What if everything goes right? What if this woman does pick you guys? Oh, my God.
She's gonna pick us! So we're standing firm on "not getting our hopes up"? No.
I know things could still go wrong, but if they don't if this works out, we're gonna have a baby.
A baby! - Yes.
But - Oh, my God.
It's gonna work! We're gonna make it work! I'm gonna be a mommy, and you're gonna be a daddy! All right, I'll see you suckers.
I'm gonna go get me a baby! Screw it.
I'm gonna be a daddy! The One With the Birth Mother Hey, who's Phoebe with? I wanna say, "Someone I'm gonna have sex with.
" - Hey.
- Hey.
- So who's your friend? - Oh, that's Sarah.
Don't you get any ideas.
I'm not setting you up with any more of my friends.
- Why? Why? - Because you'll date her once sleep with her, then forget she exists.
Name one friend of yours I did that with.
- Mandy.
- Mandy, huh? Really hot blond, big boobs? - No.
- Might be why I don't remember, huh? Do you think I'm someone else? Look, I may not have treated your friends well in the past.
But I have grown up a lot.
Rach? Yeah, believe it or not, it's true.
I mean, when Joey and I were together he was wonderful.
He was thoughtful and mature.
And for the one week that we went out he didn't sleep with anybody else.
- Fine, I'll give you her number.
- Okay.
Thank you.
And I promise you I will not forget this one.
- Mandy.
- Sarah! Sarah.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Hey, guys, I need some fashion advice.
How does this look? Well, it's It's a little low.
Pick it up a little.
A little bit more.
A little bit more.
There you go.
Now throw it away.
Come on! This looks good.
Ross, please trust me.
I buy 30 fashion magazines a month.
Now I don't know who's running for president or who that NATO guy is but I do know that you have to get far away from that hat.
Damn it.
God I have this date tomorrow night, and I have to look cool.
If you want fashion help, Rachel and I are going shopping tomorrow.
- You're welcome to come with us.
- Really? That would be great.
I mean, I have to do something.
She kind of teased me about how I dress.
I can see why.
Nice shirt.
You're wearing the same shirt.
Stupid Gap on every corner! Make yourselves comfortable, and I'll be back with Erica.
Okay, thank you.
Well, this is it.
- Are you okay? - Yeah, it's just weird, you know? It's like, "Hi, I'm Chandler.
May I have the human growing inside you?" You're gonna be great.
You're gonna be great.
Well, obviously.
Monica? Chandler? I'd like you to meet Erica.
- Hi.
- Hi.
It is so, so nice to meet you.
- Hi.
- Thank you for agreeing to see us.
- Hi.
- I'll let you get acquainted.
- Okay.
- So it's Monica and Chandler? I only know you as "File CRW33815-D.
" That's what our friends call us.
Gosh, you know, you're just such an amazing couple.
It's kind of intimidating.
I don't know about that.
Are you kidding me? I mean, it's enough that you're a doctor.
But on top of it, you're married to a reverend? - I don't think that's exactly - Let her finish, doctor.
- Hey.
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