Hey, you guys.
Hey, what are you doing? - Figuring out our wedding plans.
- Funny.
We were doing the same thing.
It's really crazy.
The hall, the dress, the food.
- I had no idea how expensive this was.
- Yeah, it is really pricey.
- I freaked when I heard the numbers.
- So, what did you two do about it? It was simple.
I came up with some cost-cutting solutions wrote out a list and Monica told me to go to hell.
There's no way around it.
Just accept that this is gonna cost a lot of money.
I heard that weddings are, like, a $40 billion-a-year industry.
And I'm responsible for just, like, half of that.
But really, it does seem like this money could be put to better use.
Are you serious? Yeah.
How would you feel if we gave all the wedding money to charity and we just got married at City Hall? I think it would make me wanna marry you even more.
I gotta say, you guys, that's an incredible gesture.
Maybe you do that next time you get married.
No, no, no.
The next time's gonna be Hawaii at sunset.
But maybe the time after that.
The One With the Home Study - Hey.
What's going on? - Hey.
Our adoption social worker is coming, so we're cleaning the apartment.
"We"? You know you don't want me to help.
You can't have it both ways.
Is this the person who decides whether or not you get a baby? - She's coming to see where we live.
- And it has to go perfectly.
If she doesn't like us, she can keep us off every adoption list in the state.
Hey, maybe I should stop by.
She could be a soap opera fan.
It's very impressive when the little people know a celebrity.
"Little people"? "Celebrity.
" So I think I'm just about done here.
Unless you have any bad stuff hidden somewhere, like porn or cigarettes? What? - No.
- Chandler.
I don't, and I'm offended by the insinuation.
So there's not a magazine under the couch or cigarettes taped to the back of the toilet tank or a filthy video in the VCR? I'll admit the cigarettes and magazine.
But that tape is not mine.
- It isn't mine.
- I guess we'll never know whose it is.
May I help you? We're here to make a rather sizable donation to the children.
Any contribution, large or small, is appreciated.
I think you're gonna appreciate the crap out of this one.
- Well, this is very generous.
- And we don't want any recognition.
This is completely anonymous.
Completely anonymous.
From two kind strangers.
X and Phoebe Buffay.
We can put your names in our newsletter.
- Not necessary.
- Buffay is spelled B-U-F-F-A-Y.
And X is spelled "Mike Hannigan.
" Well, on behalf of the children, thank you both very much.
- I'm glad we did this.
It feels so good.
- It does.
It feels really good.
Oh, look.
And we get these free T-shirts.
Actually, that's the shirt I wore to the gym.
It's moist.
- Hi.
Emma will be up in a minute.
- Oh, good.
Hey, Ross, listen.
I heard about you and Charlie.
I'm really sorry.
That's okay.
I'm sure there are tons of other beautiful paleontologists out there.
- Absolutely.
- There was one.
She's it.
All the rest look like they should live under a bridge.
So, what are you gonna do today? I was thinking of taking Emma to the playground.
Oh, my God.
What? Like I said, I was thinking of taking Emma to the Museum of Knives and Fire.
Okay, look, Ross.
I do not want Emma going to the playground.
Because? All right, if you must know, I had a traumatic swing incident when I was little.
- Seriously? - Yes.
I was 4 years old.
And I was on the swing and then all of a sudden my hair got tangled in the chain.
And to get me out, my mom had to cut a big chunk of my hair.
And it was uneven for weeks.
And you made it through that? I wonder who's gonna play you in the movie.
Okay, fine, you can make fun of me.
I do not want Emma going there.
And I was thinking Claire Danes.
Look, I'm sorry to hear about your tragedy.
But the swings are perfectly safe.
And besides, Emma loves them.
- You should come, and you'll see.
- Those things go, like, 40 miles an hour.
And there's that moment when you're at the top when you just don't know if you're gonna return back to Earth.
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