You know, I'm thinking about letting Emma have her first cookie.
Her first cookie? She has cookies all the time.
I've never given her a cookie.
- Have you? - No.
And for the record, I've also never given her frosting from a can.
Hey, Rach, the adoption agency needs letters of recommendation and we wondered if you would write one for us? - Of course.
I would be honored.
- Thank you.
I think there's been an oversight.
We would have asked you.
We thought you wouldn't be interested.
It's just that we don't think of you as really being so much with the words.
Clearly, we were wrong.
I got a lot of nice stuff to say about you guys, okay? I know how much you want to have a baby and I would love to help you get one.
You know what? Then we want you to do it.
Thank you.
All right.
Let me see how I'm gonna start.
"Dear Baby Adoption Decider People" So excited about your letter.
- Hey.
- Hey, Phoebe.
- Wow, don't you look nice.
- Yes, I do.
Today's Mike and my one-year anniversary.
What's it the anniversary of? Your first date, your first kiss, first time you had sex? Yeah.
So you must be going somewhere fancy to celebrate.
A Knicks game.
Aren't you a little overdressed? I've never had a one-year anniversary before so no matter where we go, I'm wearing something fancy I'm gonna put on my finest jewelry and we're gonna have sex in a public restroom.
You guys do that? Chandler won't even have sex in our bathroom.
That's where people make number two.
The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits So, you know, I have a little time if you want to I'd love to, but I really have to grade these papers.
It's fine.
I'll just shower by myself.
You gave a B to a Pottery Barn catalog.
Well, it had some good ideas.
Take off your shirt.
- Damn it.
- Rachel, open up! It's your sister! I have to talk to you.
Hi, Amy.
- You're not Rachel.
- Still sharp as a tack.
Charlie, this is Rachel's sister Amy.
Amy, this is Charlie.
- Hi.
Nice to meet you.
- Hi, hi.
And you are? Ross? I grew up on your block? We had Thanksgiving together last year? I had a baby with your sister? No.
I Did I buy a falafel from you yesterday? Yes.
Yes, you did.
Hi, Rachel.
Here's your sister Amy.
She thinks I need pec implants.
Amy? Hi.
- You remember Joey.
- Yeah.
Hey, sure.
- The Days of our Lives guy.
- That's right, yeah.
You are not good.
Always nice to meet a fan.
- So, now, what are you doing here? - Well, I have huge news.
- Hold on.
Let me check on the baby.
- This is important.
Can't Ella wait? Her name is Emma.
Why did you change it? Ella was so much prettier.
What do I know? I just sell Middle Eastern food from a cart.
Hey, your English is getting better.
- Oh, my God.
- I know.
She may be the hottest girl I've ever hated.
- What you working on? - Monica and Chandler's recommendation.
I want it to sound smart, but I don't know any big words or anything.
- Why don't you use your thesaurus? - What did I just say? Watch.
Here, highlight the word you want to change, go under "tools" and the thesaurus generates Gives.
Gives a whole list of choices.
You can pick the word that sounds smartest.
My God, that's great.
I'm smart.
No, no, I'm: "Brainy, bright, clever.
" I love this thing! Look out, ladies! Joey Tribbiani's got the whole package! God so beautiful.
I know, isn't she? No, I was talking about your bedding.
All right, what's your news, Amy? Well I'm getting married.
Wow! Oh, my God! - To who? - This guy.
He has a killer apartment.
- And? - And it's on Fifth.
And the elevator opens up right into the living room.
- No, what's he like? - Oh, he's okay.
Do you remember my old boyfriend Mark? - Yeah.
- It's his dad.
- Wow, so he's gotta be - Old? Yeah.
But he travels a lot, so he's hardly ever there.
Sweetie, I gotta tell you, it sounds a little bit like you like the apartment more than you like Myron.
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