Previously on Friends How did the job stuff go? He offered me one.
You know what? This calls for a bottle of Israels finest.
The job is in Paris.
Oh, God! Please, somebody say something.
So if you take this job you'll be moving to Paris? Or facing a bitch of a commute.
I know, it's huge and it's scary, and it's really far, far away from you guys but this is such an incredible opportunity for me.
And I've already talked to them about our situation with Emma and they said they'll do whatever we need to make us feel comfortable.
- Okay.
- I mean, I'll fly back and forth - they'll fly you out Anything we want.
- My boss said I might be getting a new lamp in my cubicle.
All right, we'll work it out.
Thank you! Thank you! Yeah, yeah! You sure this is what you want? I think it is.
Ooh, what's going on? I got a really incredible job offer.
Hey, great! All right! Good for you! It's in Paris.
What? No, no, no! No, no no no, no No, too much is changing, okay? First, Phoebe getting married Congratulations! nd then these two move into a stupid house in the stupid suburbs Hey, this afternoon you said you'd be supportive Well, it comes and goes.
I wouldn't trust it.
Look, you guys this is really, really important to me.
And it means a lot if you could try to get on board.
Of course we can.
Yay! - Joey - No, no, no.
My hugs are reserved for people STAYING IN AMERICA.
Joey, it would mean so Hey! No! Get your France-going-arms away from me.
Joey You okay with this? Well, it makes me feel sad, but Talking to Ross.
I see.
Well, Rachel moving to another country? Not being able to see her every day.
How can I be okay with this? I know, but what are we gonna do? She really needs this job.
Do you think if the Ralph Lauren people offered her her old job back, she would take it? How is that gonna happen? Is this the best way to use one of your three magic wishes? I don't know.
I could talk to her boss.
Yeah! I met him at that Christmas party.
We really hit it off.
You mean the guy who kept calling you Ron? I didn't say we were brothers.
Friends - 10x15 - Estelle Dies ȻÃÃľÃÃ@meitina ÃÃÃìÃù¤Ã÷ÃÃ-Meitina Adjusted by Madhero Hey Phoebe.
Hey, tell me what you think.
All right.
The house next door to the one that we're buying in Westchester? Just went on the market.
I wanna take a look at it, but Chandler doesn't.
We close escrow tomorrow, so seeing another house can only confuse us and we're easily confused.
We're not very bright.
But what if it is better than ours? Should we at least look? What do you think Pheebs? Well, I think that shirt makes you look like you should work at a Baskin Robbins Anyway Hey, isn't Joey's agent Estelle Leonard? Yeah.
She died.
You're kidding! That's terrible! Yeah, last Saturday.
Wow! She was the first black man to fly solo across the Atlantic.
Oh, wait a minute, I read the wrong one.
Oh yeah? Yeah, she was just an agent.
Joey's gonna be so upset.
I know.
He always wanted to be the first black man to cross the Atlantic.
Well, we cannot tell Joey about this.
He's already flipping out about everything that's changing.
This will push him over the edge.
Seriously, you don't think we should tell him? Well, not for a little while.
Let's just give him a few days to get used to everything else.
What if he reads it in the paper? Unless Snoopy says it to Charlie Brown, I think we're okay.
May I help you? Yeah, I'm a friend of Rachel Green's.
Uhm, actually we met at the Christmas party about two years ago.
Oh right, uhm, Don? Close.
Uh What can I do for you? Uhm, well I'm here to see if you'll give Rachel her job back.
Ah, did she ask you to come here and do this? Oh, no.
Then we'll see if she wants to come back.
At first I have to get you to agree.
Wow, that is tempting.
Look, she loved her job here.
And let's face it you're not gonna find anyone who did it as well as she did it.
Isn't that true? She is good! Huh, I took a shot there.
But I'm sorry.
There's nothing I can do Ah, it's not true, there is nothing I want to do.
I see Thanks very much.
Is this your son? Yeah, his name is Ross.
What? Oh, nothing, it's just, it's close to Ron.
Does he.
Does little Ross like dinosaurs by any chance? Yeah, they're all he talks about, why? How would he like to come with me to the Museum of Natural History after everyone else has left just the two of us, and he can touch anything he wants.
I just heard it as you must have heard it and that's not good.
Let me start again.
I'm a paleontologist you'll be there with us and the touching refers only to bones - fossils! You can really arrange that? You let Rachel come back, and it's done.
Well, I guess having Rachel back wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
Yeah! Yes! Thank you! This is great.
Thank you so much.
And I swear, your kid is going to have the time of his life.
That's great.
I worry about little Ross.
He's always reading, he's collecting rocks and he's obsessed with dinosaurs.
He'll be fine.
Hey Phoebe.
Everything ok? I'm just mad at my agent.
Estelle? Why? There's a part in a TV movie that I would be perfect for and I didn't even be put up for it! She'd better have a good reason.
I'm guessing she does.
Well I'm wanna hear it, because she keeps doing this.
Well, no, no, wait, wait, wait.
All right, I gotta go.
Just listen.
Promise me, that you will wait a minute before you call her.
Why? Because a promise between friends means never having to give a reason.
I love that saying! Hello? Joey, it's Estelle.
I was just gonna call you! That's weird.
It's a little coincidental, but believable.
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