Oh, hey, Joey.
- Hey.
- Listen, I need to ask you something.
You know how my stepdad's in prison? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
He was supposed to get a weekend furlough so he could go to the wedding.
But he just called and Well, apparently stabbing Iceman in the exercise yard couldn't wait till Monday.
- So he can't come? - No.
And so there's no one to walk me down the aisle.
And Well, I would just really love it if you would do it.
- Seriously? - Yeah.
You've, you know, sort of been like a dad to me.
You've always, you know, looked out for me and shared your wisdom.
I am pretty "wisdomous.
" So, what do you say? Are you kidding? Phoebe, I would be honored.
Oh, thank you.
I hope I hope you know how much you mean to me.
Listen, I hope I hope that you know I don't want you to see your father cry.
Go to your room! Oh, no, no, no.
Let your dad get this.
It's my wedding planner.
She's driving me crazy! Hello? Okay, stop screaming! Okay, so halibut.
All right, so salmon.
Either way.
I don't - It doesn't matter to me.
- Well, it matters to me! Well, I don't care.
So you pick.
Did you just hang up on me? All right, look, I need you at the rehearsal dinner tonight at 1800 hours.
What time is that? You don't know military time? I must have been in missile training the day they taught that.
Just subtract 12.
Okay, so 1800 minus 12 is 1788.
- Six o'clock! - Okay.
Hold on.
Yeah? Geller here.
No, I said it has to be there by 4:00.
How hard is it to make an ice sculpture? That sounds really fancy.
I told you, I just want a simple wedding.
Please, honey, leave the details to me.
Now, I wanna make this day as special for you as I can.
I was thinking the harpist should wear white.
Harpist? My friend Marjorie is playing the steel drums.
- Oh, she backed out.
- She did? Why? I made her.
Steel drums don't really say "elegant wedding.
" - Nor does Marjorie's overwhelming scent.
- Hey! She will shower when Tibet is free.
- Hey.
You look great.
- You too.
I'm glad we're having a rehearsal dinner.
I rarely practice my meals before I eat.
What did we say was your one gift to us? No stupid jokes, but I thought that was for the actual wedding.
Rehearse it.
- Thanks for coming, you guys.
- Oh, yeah I was I was going for a handshake.
That why your hand's against my crotch? - That is why.
- Yeah.
So, Rach, where's Emma? Monica made me send her to my mom's.
Apparently, babies and weddings don't mix.
Are you still crying about your damn baby? Pheebs, you got to keep the line moving.
Remember, 20 seconds per person.
You see these clowns all the time.
- Hey, you're Mike's parents, right? - Yes, we are.
Gosh, our little ones are growing up fast, aren't they? - How's that? - You know on one hand, you're happy for them.
On the other, it's hard to let go.
Who in God's name are you? I'm not that fond of you either, buddy.
I'm just trying to be nice for the kids.
You know what? We have no idea what we're doing in the wedding tomorrow.
I thought we'd be groomsmen.
They would have asked us by now.
When did they ask you to be a bridesmaid? - November.
- I wanna say it's not looking good.
Hey, Pheebs? You haven't told these guys what they're doing in the wedding yet.
Well, they're not in the wedding.
What? Well this is really awkward.
Oh, and I can leave.
I'm sorry, you guys.
But Mike's got his brother and his friends from school.
So, you know, you were If it helps, you were next in line.
You just missed the cut.
Oh, man.
This is like figure skating team all over again.
I mean, synchronized swimming.
I mean I mean, the balance beam.
- Help me.
- Football.
Thank you.
Oh, Pheebs, spit that out.
That has pork in it.
I thought the pot stickers were supposed to be vegetarian? Yeah, I changed them.
I sent you a fax about it.
I don't have a fax machine.
Well, then there are gonna be a few surprises.
I can't believe we're gonna be the only people not in the wedding.
- I know.
I hate being left out of things.
- And it's a wedding.
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