This cake is amazing! My God, get a room.
I would get a room with this cake.
I think I could show this cake a good time.
If you had to, what would you give up, food or sex? Sex.
Seriously, answer faster.
Oh, I'm sorry, honey.
But when she said "sex," I wasn't thinking about sex with you.
It's like a giant hug.
Ross, how about you? Which would you give up? Food.
How about sex or dinosaurs? Oh, my God, it's like Sophie's Choice.
Oh, God.
What about you, Joe? What would you give up, sex or food? I don't know, it's too hard.
No, you gotta pick one.
No, sex.
Sex I don't know! Oh, God, I want both! I want I want girls on bread! The One Where Chandler Gets Caught - You gotta see these pictures of Emma.
- Oh, how cute! - She looks just like a little doll.
- Oh, no, that is a doll.
Oh, thank God, because that thing's really creepy.
Look, there's Chandler.
Who's the blond? She's pretty.
He's having an affair.
He is not having an affair! I'm always right about these things.
No, you're not.
Last week, you thought Ross was trying to kill you.
Well, sorry, but it's hard to believe that anyone would tell a story that dull just to tell it.
There's something going on with them.
Look! He's getting into the car with her.
That doesn't mean anything.
Oh, yeah? Well, let's see.
Okay, duck down.
- Hello? - Hi, Chandler.
It's Phoebe.
I know that Monica is working today so I was wondering if you wanted to come to the movies with me and Rachel.
Oh, I have to work too.
Yeah, I'm stuck here at the office all day.
Well, it's a shame that you'll miss the movie because we were gonna see, you know, either Liar Liar or Betrayal or An Affair to Remember.
Those are all really old.
Okay, then maybe it'll be Dude, Where's My Car? - What? - They're in a car.
Well, talk to you later, okay? Bye.
Jeez! Okay, quick.
We gotta find a cab and follow them.
Yeah, okay.
Let me just grab my night-vision goggles and my stun gun.
I got them.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hi, sweetie.
Hey, you smell like perfume and cigarettes.
- I was in the car with Nancy.
- Nancy doesn't smoke.
Well, at least the perfume's not mine.
Be thankful for that.
So What did you think of the house? It's everything we've been looking for.
Isn't it? And what about the amazing wanes coating the crown molding and the dormer windows in the attic? And the wiggle woms and the zip zorps! What were the things you said? - Don't you love the huge yard? - The fireplace in the bedroom.
And Nancy said it's really underpriced because the guy lost his job and has to move in with his parents! This is bringing out a lovely color in you.
So do you think we should get it? I don't know.
What do you think? - I think we should.
- I do too.
This is huge.
How bad do you wanna smoke right now? I don't know what you mean, giant, talking cigarette.
Phoebe called as I was getting into Nancy's car.
If she asks you, I was at work all day.
Got you.
When do we tell them? We don't.
Not until it's 100 percent.
Why upset everybody over nothing? Okay.
- Oh, my God, that is gonna be so hard.
- I know.
Good luck with it.
I just can't see Chandler cheating.
I'm telling you guys, we followed them out to a house in Westchester.
They went in for 45 minutes, and then they came out looking pretty happy.
Chandler? Forty-five minutes? Well, something's not right.
I can't believe he'd do this to Monica.
I know, and with the baby coming? - So should we tell her? - I don't know.
If one of us saw Mike with another woman, would you want us to tell you? Why? Who'd you see him with? - No one.
I'm just saying if we did - Tell me what you know! No one! Nothing! Mike's a great guy! It was hypothetical! All right.
He is a good guy.
You're right.
He wouldn't cheat.
If I did see him with someone, there's no way l Who did you see him with? Oh, look at her.
So happy.
If only there were a smaller one to clean this one.
Hey, is Chandler here? No, he's picking up dinner.
Why? What's up? Look, whatever happens, we're here for you, and we love you.
- All right.
- Chandler might be having an affair.
- What? - Phoebe and I saw Chandler with a blond woman today outside on the street.
And then we followed them to a house in Westchester.
They went in together.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, that's awful.
What did you think of the house? What? Monica, you understand what we're saying, right? Yeah.
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