Everybody! Central Perk is proud to present the music of Miss Phoebe Buffay.
I wanna start with a song that's about that moment when you suddenly realize what life is really all about.
Okay, here we go.
Thank you very much.
Oh, great.
This is just The One With The Blackout This is so cool, you guys.
The entire city's blacked out.
It's all of Manhattan.
They have no idea when it's back on.
-You guys, this is big.
-Pants and a sweater.
Why, Mom? Who will I meet in a blackout? Power-company guys? Eligible looters? -Can we talk about this later? Okay.
-Can I borrow the phone? I wanna call my apartment and check on my grandma.
What's my number? I never call me.
Oh, my God! It's her.
It's that Victoria 's Secret model.
Something Goodacre.
Hi, Mom, it's Jill.
She 's right.
It's Jill.
Jill Goodacre.
Oh, my God! I am trapped in an A TM vestibule with Jill Goodacre.
Is it a vestibule? Maybe it's an atrium.
Yeah, that is the part to focus on, you idiot.
I' m fine.
I' m just stuck at the bank in an ATM vestibule.
Jill says vestibule, I'm going with vestibule.
I' m fine.
No, l' m not alone.
I don't know, some guy.
Oh, some guy.
I am some guy.
Jill, I saw you with some guy last night.
Yes, he was some guy.
Hey, everyone.
Officiating at tonight's blackout is Rabbi T ribbiani.
Chandler's old roommate was Jewish.
These are our only candles.
So happy Hanukkah! Look! Ugly Naked Guy lit a bunch of candles.
That had to hurt! All right, all right! It's been 14 1/2 minutes and you still haven 't said one word.
God! Do something! Just make contact.
Smile! There you go.
You 're definitely scaring her.
Hello? Oh, hi, Mom.
Mom, you' re tripping! Dexter's a dog.
The blackout's scaring him.
You'd pee in Dad's shoes too if you didn't know.
All right, call me back.
Attaboy! A word.
That wasn 't so hard.
Yeah! Mothers.
Yeah! Perfect.
Don 't smile.
Would you like to call somebody? Yeah, about 300 guys I went to high school with.
Yeah, thanks.
-Hello? -It's me.
-It's Chandler.
Are you okay? -Yeah, l' m fine.
I' m stuck in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre.
-What? -l' m stuck in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre.
I have no idea what you said.
Put Joey on the phone.
-What's up, man? -l' m stuck in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre! Oh, my God! He's trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre! Chandler, listen.
Like that thought never entered my mind.
-I'll go.
I'll go.
Senior year of college, on a pool table.
-Pool table? -That's my sister.
Okay, my weirdest place would have to be the women's room of the New York City Public Library.
Oh, my God! What were you doing in a library? -Pheebs, what about you? -Oh, Milwaukee.
It's a really weird place.
Ross? Disneyland, 1 989.
" It's a small world after all.
" No way.
The ride broke down so Carol and I went behind those mechanical Dutch children.
We were asked never to return to the Magic Kingdom.
Let's see, that leaves.
-Rachel? -Come on, I already went.
-You did not go.
-I did.
T ell us.
Come on.
All right, the weirdest place would have to be the foot of the bed.
-Step back! -We have a winner! This must be what the fridge looks like with the door closed.
Anybody hungry? We got a Klondikesoup.
I've never had a relationship with that kind of passion.
Where you have to have somebody even in a theme park.
It was the only thing to do that didn't have a line.
Barry wouldn't even kiss me on a miniature golf course.
-Come on.
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