- Hi, guys.
- Hey, Phoebe.
- How did it go? - Not so good.
He walked me home and said, "Let's do this again.
" He said, "Let's do this again.
" That's good, right? Translated, "Let's do this again" means, "You'll never see me naked.
" Since when? Since always.
It's, like, dating language.
Like, "It's not you" means, "It is you.
" "You're nice" means, "I'll be dating alcoholics.
and complaining about them to you.
" "We should see other people" means: "Ha-ha, I already am!" Everybody knows this? Cushions the blow.
Like your parents putting the dog to sleep.
and saying it went to a farm.
That's funny.
Because our parents actually did.
send our dog off to live on a farm.
Ross? Hello! The Milner's farm in Connecticut? The Milners had this unbelievable farm.
They had horses and rabbits to chase.
And it was.
Oh, my God! Chi-Chi! The One With the Thumb How does it feel knowing you're about to die? Warden, in five minutes my pain will be over.
But you'll live with the knowledge that you sent an honest man to die.
That was really good! Thanks.
Let's keep going.
So, what do you want from me, Dimon? Huh? I just wanna go back to my cell, because in my cell I can smoke.
Smoke away! I think this is why Dimon smokes in his cell alone.
- What? - Relax your hand.
Let your wrist go.
Not so much! All right.
Now take a puff.
- Give it to me.
- I'm not giving you a cigarette.
It's fine.
Do you want to get this part or not? Here.
When you hold it, you feel right.
You feel complete.
- You miss it? - No, not so much.
All right.
Now we smoke.
Oh, my God! - Give me that! - No.
You've got options.
You can smoke like this: - Chandler - Or hold it in your mouth.
Give me the cigarette! - You try.
- Thank you.
Okay, how's this? Okay, that's not bad.
All right, when you're finished, it's cool if you flick it.
All right, you keep practicing.
and I'll go put out the sofa.
I thought it was foot size.
It's the distance from the tip of a guy's thumb.
to the tip of his index finger.
That's ridiculous.
Can I use either thumb? I'd rather go with the foot theory.
All right.
Don't tell me.
Decaf cappuccino for Joey.
Coffee, black.
And an iced tea.
- I'm getting good at this.
- Excellent! Good for me! - You okay, Phoebe? - It's not worth It's my bank.
- What did they do? - It's nothing I get my mail and open their monthly "statement.
" Easy! And there's $500 extra in my account.
Satan's minions at work again! Now I have to go deal with them - What are you talking about? Keep it! - It's not mine.
If I kept it, I'd be stealing.
But if you spent it, it would be like shopping.
Say I bought a great pair of shoes.
Know what I'd hear with every step? "Not mine.
Not mine.
Not mine.
" Even if I was happy and skipping, I'd hear: "Not-not mine.
Not-not mine.
" We're with you.
We got it.
I'd never be able to enjoy it.
It'd be this giant karmic debt.
Chandler, what are you doing? What are you doing? Oh, gross! - What is this? - I'm smoking! You've been so good for three years! And this is my reward.
Think about what you went through when you quit.
Forget about you.
Think about what we went through! So this time I won't quit.
- Put it out! - I'm putting it out! Oh, no! I can't drink this now.
I'm gonna go.
I've got a date.
With Alan again? How's it going? It's going pretty good.
It's nice and we're having fun.
When do we get to meet him? Let's see, it's Monday.
- Never.
- Come on! Not after what happened with Steve.
What do you mean? We love Steve.
Steve was sexy! Sorry.
I don't know how I feel yet.
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