Oh, here's little Ben falling asleep.
A little bit later.
Is he gonna sleep? Is he gonna sleep? Is he gonna? Yep, out like a light! This sure trumps the "Has he pooped?" series.
Ross, we love him, okay? But right now he's just a little fat guy.
How excited can we get? -What you got? -400 pictures of Ben on a rug.
-Oh, my God! -Let me see! The One Where Rachel Finds Out Here's little Ben nodding off.
Look at Aunt Monica's little boy! -Look, he's got Ross haircut.
-Let me see.
Oh, God! Is he just the sweetest thing? You must just wanna kiss him all over.
That would be nice.
-Pardon? -Nothing.
Just a little extra air in my mouth.
Chan, can you help me out? I'll pay you back.
Including the waffles last week, you now owe me 1 7 jillion dollars.
-Really, I'll pay you back this time.
-Where's this money coming from? I'm helping out at the NYU Med School with research.
What kind of research? Just, you know, science.
Yeah, I think I've heard of that.
It's a fertility study.
Joey, please tell me you're only donating your time.
Actually, a little more than that.
Thank you, God.
This will bring us so much joy.
Come on, it's not that big a deal.
I just go down there every other day and make my contribution to the project.
But at the end of two weeks, I get $700! You're gonna be making money hand over fist.
That's funny.
Very funny.
This is great.
I actually know somebody who loves what they do.
But what do you do to unwind after a tough day at work? Okay, we got the coleslaw and buns.
The ground-up flesh of formerly cute cows and turkeys.
I just love barbecuing with you.
Men are here! We make fire.
Cook meat.
Put out fire by peeing, no get invited back.
-Melanie called.
She'll be late.
How are things going? Is she becoming your "special someone"? I don't know.
She's pretty great.
What does she think of your little science project? You think I'd tell a girl I like that I'm also seeing a cup? Man's got a point.
The tough thing is, she really wants to have sex.
Crazy bitch.
I got a week left to go.
According to the rules I can't conduct personal experiments, if you know what I mean.
Joey, we always know what you mean.
How long did you think this barbecue would last? -I'm going to China.
-Jeez, you say one thing, and.
-China? -For the museum.
Someone found a bone.
They don't want us to have it.
I'm going to try to persuade them.
It's a whole big bone thing.
Anyway, I'll be gone for a week.
If you want to reach me, you can't.
So here's my itinerary.
-Here's a picture of me.
-Oh, let me see.
Could you show it to Ben every now and then so he doesn't forget me? "Hi, Ben.
I'm your father.
" "I am The Head!" This barbecue's gonna be very fun.
I wanted to wish Rachel a happy birthday before I left.
-She's out having drinks with Carl.
-Hey, who's Carl? That guy she met at the coffeehouse.
-There's this guy she met at -The coffeehouse? Right.
So you do know who he is.
I'll go say goodbye to the guys.
Hey, you know what? Tell them that bone story.
-I have to go to China.
-The country? No, this big pile of dishes in my mom's breakfront.
Do you know who Carl is? Let's see.
Alvin, Simon, Theodore.
Rachel's having drinks with him tonight.
How can she, when she's never shown interest in you? -Forget about her.
-He's right.
Please move on.
Go to China.
Eat Chinese food.
Of course, there they just call it "food.
" Yeah, I guess.
I don't know.
All right, just give her this for me, okay? We're looking out for you.
We want you to be happy.
I may only have a couple beers in me, but I love you.
I'm still on my first.
I just think you're nice.
That's when we started this fruit basket business.
We call ourselves "The Three Basketeers.
" Like "The Three Musketeers," only with fruit.
-How do you want your burgers? -Presents first! We're doing presents first.
Hey, hold on there, tiger.
How are you holding up? Well, not so good.
She thinks tonight we're gonna complete the transaction, if you know what And you do.
Have you ever thought about being there for her? What do you mean? You know, just be there for her.
Not following you.
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