She's having my baby, and she's not here yet.
-Has her water broken yet? -I don't know.
When we talked, she said she'd already passed the mucous plug.
Do we have to know about that? What'll you do when you have a baby? I'll be in the waiting room, handing out cigars.
Joey's made arrangements to have his baby in a movie from the '50s.
She could be giving birth in the cab.
It's only $2 for the first contraction and then 50 cents for each additional contraction.
What, it's okay when Chandler does it? You have to pick your moments.
Did I miss it? -She's not here yet.
-What's with the guitar? We might be here for a while.
Things might get musical.
-Where have you been? -We stopped at the gift shop.
I got this, and Susan wanted a Chunky.
You're having a baby.
You don't stop for Chunkies.
I used to have that bumper sticker.
You see what I mean? The One With the Birth -"Stopped for a Chunky.
" -Let it go, Ross.
I got an extra one.
You want this? -How's my favorite parenting team? -Dr.
I understand you're thinking of having a baby.
I see you're nine months pregnant.
That's a good start.
-How are your contractions? -I love them.
Each one's like a little party in my uterus.
-Every 4 minutes, lasting 55 seconds.
-59 seconds.
Swiss quartz.
-Am I allowed to drink anything? -lce chips.
-At the nurse's station.
-I'll get it! -No, I'll get it.
-No, I'm getting it.
Thought you might like some ice chips.
-And if you need anything else l do not believe we've met.
I'm Rachel Greene.
I'm Carol's ex-husband's sister's roommate.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Dr.
I'm your roommate's brother's ex-wife's obstetrician.
Oh, that's funny.
I want a baby.
Not tonight, honey.
I got an early day tomorrow.
-Get up.
Let's get some coffee.
-Okay, because we never do that.
Shoot, shoot, shoot.
Or just fall down.
That's good too.
Knick fan? -Oh, boy, do they suck.
-Listen, lady Look.
Look at your man, Ewing.
He couldn't hit water if he was standing on a boat.
-And who do you like? -Celtics.
Celtics? They couldn't hit a boat if Wait.
They suck, all right? Shut up.
It's a rebuilding year Let me get the father.
We need a father over here.
There's no father.
-Oh, sorry.
-That's okay.
I'm fine.
Right this way.
All the other pregnant women seem to be going in here.
They're tiny and chubby And so sweet to touch But soon they'll grow up And resent you so much Now they're yelling at you And you don 't know why And you cry and you cry And you cry And you cry and you cry And you cry -Thanks, Ross.
-I'm paying you to stop.
Oh, look, twins.
Hi, guys.
Oh, cute.
No fair.
I don't even have one.
How come they get two? -You'll get one.
-When? Tell you what.
When we're 40, if neither of us are married what do you say we have one? Why won't I be married when I'm 40? I just meant hypothetically.
Hypothetically, why won't I be married when I'm 40? What is it? Is there something unmarriable about me? Well? Dear God! This parachute is a knapsack.
Look at you, dressy-dress.
Did you go home and change? It's an important day.
I want to look nice.
Has Dr.
Franzblau been by? I haven't seen him.
Where is he? He is supposed to be here.
What if the baby needs him? What's the deal with you and doctors? Is your father a doctor? Yeah.
Why? No reason.
Mom, we've been through this.
No, I am not calling him.
I don't care if it is his kid, the guy's a jerk.
No, I am not alone.
Joey's here.
What do you mean "Joey who"? Joey who? -Tribbiani.
-Joey Tribbiani.
Hold on.
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