-Tell him.
-Tell him.
-Shut up.
-Tell me what? You won't look at him.
I could use another reason why women won't look at me.
All right.
All right.
Last night, I had a dream that you and I were Doing it on this table.
Excellent dream score.
Why would you dream that? More importantly was I any good? Well, you were pretty damn good.
In my dreams, I'm surprisingly inadequate.
Last night, you seemed to know your way around the table.
I love it when we share.
You okay? I can't believe you two had sex in her dream.
Sorry, it was a one-time thing.
I was very drunk, and it was someone else's subconscious.
The One With The lck Factor Hello, Rachel.
Get off.
Ooh, give me.
Can you see me operating a drill press? I don't know.
What are you wearing? Why would you want to? For short-term work.
Till I get back my massage clients.
Pirates again? No.
Nothing like that.
I'm just such a dummy.
I taught a "Massage Yourself at Home" workshop.
And they are.
Hey, Chan, she could work for you.
Thanks, Joey.
That's a good idea.
I could.
I could do it.
What is it? My secretary's gonna be out.
She's having one of her boobs reduced.
It's a whole big boob story.
-I could be a secretary.
-I don't know if it'd be your thing because it involves being normal for a large portion of the day.
I could do that.
-What's that? -My new beeper.
Why does a paleontologist need a beeper? Is it for dinosaur emergencies? Help.
They're still extinct.
It's for when Carol goes into labor.
All she has to do is dial 55-JlMBO.
A cool number and a possible name for the kid.
-See you later.
-Off to see young Ethan? Thank you.
How young is young Ethan? Young? He's our age.
When we were.
-He's a senior in college.
-College? Rob that cradle.
He's smart and mature and grown-up.
Mature and grown-up, he's a big boy.
This man-child has no problem with how old you are? No, of course not.
It's not even an issue because I said I was 22.
-You what? -What? -Oh, I can't pass for 22? -Well, maybe 25, 26.
-I am 26.
-There you go.
Can you hear that? That'll stop when you pick up the phone.
-Oh, I'm on.
Bing's office.
-Sorry, he's in a meeting.
-I'm not in a meeting.
Will he know what this is in reference to? And he has your number? I'll see that he gets the message.
Ross says hi.
This is so fun.
What do we do now? Well, now I actually have to get to work.
"Most likely.
" Okay, I'm gonna be out there.
All right.
-Yes? -What you doing? Okay, windows are clean.
Candles are lit.
BeIt's too tight.
Gotta change.
Did I turn the fish? Nope, because I made lasagna.
-Am I out of control? -Just a touch.
I don't understand.
You've been dating this guy since his midterms.
Why, all of a sudden, are you so? -What? -Could tonight be the night? I don't know.
He's a great guy and I love being with him.
But, you know things happen when they happen.
You don't plan these things.
-So, did you shave your legs? -Yeah.
Would you let it go? It was just a dream.
It doesn't mean This is it.
It's baby time! All right, relax.
Just relax.
Be cool.
Yeah, hi.
I was just beeped.
No, Andre is not here.
Third time today.
Yes, I am sure.
I do not perform those kind of services.
Services? Oh, services.
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