Mother, just once, can we go to lunch and not talk about what I'm wearing or where my career is going? Or who I'm dating.
-Ready for the check? -God, yes.
-I'll take it.
-No, darling.
I said I'll take it.
Here, take it.
Very sweet.
-And on what they pay you -Career.
You don't have to worry about me.
I'm doing fine.
I'm afraid this has been denied.
That's impossible.
That's all right, dear.
Here you go.
The One With The Fake Monica How'd someone get your card number? No idea.
Look how much they spent.
You only have to pay for the stuff you bought.
Still, it's just such reckless spending.
When somebody steals they've already thrown caution to the wind.
Wow, what a geek.
They spent $69.
95 on a Wonder Mop.
That's me.
You see, when I say geek, I mean The hell with it, you bought a $70 mop, you're a geek.
Oh, yuck.
Ross, he's doing it again.
Marcel, stop humping the lamp.
Stop humping.
Now, Marcel, come Come here, Marcel.
Oh, no.
Not in my room.
I'll get him.
You've got to do something about that.
What? It's just a phase.
Well, that's what we said about Joey.
You'd think you would be more understanding.
I know.
But we're not.
Would you all relax? It's not that big a deal.
-Marcel, stop it.
Bad monkey.
-What? Let's say my Curious George is no longer curious.
You are not still going over that thing.
-This woman's living my life.
-What? She's living my life, and she's doing it better than me.
Look at this.
She buys tickets to plays I wanna see.
She shops where I'm afraid of the salespeople.
-She spent $300 on art supplies.
-You're not an artist.
I might be if I had the supplies.
I mean, I could do all this stuff.
Only I don't.
Oh, Monica, come on.
You do cool things.
Really? Let's compare, shall we? Oh, it's so late for "shall we.
" Do I horseback ride in the park? -Do I take classes at the New School? -No.
She's got everything I want, and she doesn't have my mother.
-How about Joey Paponi? -No, still too ethnic.
-My agent wants a more neutral name.
-Joey Switzerland? Plus, I think it should be Joe.
Joey makes me sound like I'm this big: Which I'm not.
Joe, Joe, Joe Stalin? Stalin.
Do I know that name? It sounds familiar.
Well, it does not ring a bell with me.
But you're more plugged into that show business thing.
Joe Stalin.
You know, that's pretty good.
You might wanna try Joseph.
Joseph Stalin.
-I think you'd remember that.
Bye Bye Birdie, starring Joseph Stalin.
Joseph Stalin is the Fiddler on the Roof.
Yes, this is Monica Geller.
I'm taking some classes with you, and I was wondering what they were.
I've had a recent head injury and certain numbers Barbecue.
Oh, did l? See, there you go.
-What are you doing? -All right, great.
Thanks a lot.
I'm going to tap class.
To dance with the woman that stole your card? To see what she looks like.
I'm sure her picture's up at the post office.
I should get to see who she is.
You're kind of losing it here.
This is becoming a weird obsession.
This is madness, I tell you.
For the love of God, Monica, don't do it.
Thank you.
-What do you think? -Lots of things.
-Which one is she? -May I help you? No, thanks.
We're just here to observe.
You don't observe a dance class.
You dance a dance class.
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