Okay, I checked.
We have Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Cinnamon Stick Chamomile, Mint Medley, Blackberry and Wait, there's one more.
Lemon Soother! You're not the guy that asked for tea, are you? The One Where The Monkey Gets Away Mail call! Rachel Greene, bunk seven.
Thank you.
Oh, cool! A free sample of coffee.
Oh, good.
Because where else would we get any? Oh, right.
-Oh, great.
-What is it? Country club newsletter.
My mother sends me the engagement notices for inspiration.
Oh, my God! It's Barry and Mindy! Barry, who you almost And Mindy, your maid of Let me see.
That's Mindy? She is pretty! Lucky to have had a friend like you.
Now it's quiet time.
Marcel, bring me the rice.
Come on.
Good boy.
Give me the rice.
Thank you.
Good boy.
He's mastered the difference between "bring me the" and "pee in the.
" "Bring me the" and Rach? Oh, I'm sorry.
This is so stupid! I mean, I gave Barry up, right? I should be happy for them.
I am.
I'm happy for them.
-Really? -No.
I guess it would be different if I were with somebody.
Whoa, what.
What happened to "Forget relationships! I'm done with men!" The whole penis embargo? I don't know.
It's not about no guys.
It's about the right guy.
With Barry it was safe and easy, but there was no heat.
With Paolo, all there was, was heat.
-lt was this raw, animal, sexual -Right.
I got it.
I was there.
Do you think you can have both? Someone who's your best friend but also can make your toes curl.
Yes, I do.
I really do.
In fact, it's funny.
Often, someone you wouldn't think could curl your toes might just be the one who gets interrupted.
How was the movie? -Wonderful! -So good! -Suck fest.
-Total chick flick.
I'm sorry it wasn't one of those movies with guns and bombs and buses going really fast! I don't need violence in a movie as long as there's a little nudity.
-There was nudity.
-I meant female nudity.
I don't need to see Lou Grant frolicking.
Hugh! Hugh Grant! All right, I've got to go.
Come on, Marcel.
We're gonna go take a bath.
Yes, we are, aren't we? They're still just friends, right? And I will see you tomorrow.
You're gonna spend tomorrow at Aunt Rachel's.
Does Aunt Monica get a say in this? Please, Aunt Monica, please? Unclench.
You're not even gonna be here.
-I can't believe we're discussing this.
-I agree.
I'm, like, in disbelief.
If it was gonna happen, wouldn't it have happened already? She said she wants a relationship with someone exactly like me.
She said that? I added the exactly like me" part.
But she's looking for someone.
And someone will be there tonight.
"Tonight" tonight? It's perfect.
It'll just be the two of us.
She spent all day taking care of my monkey.
I can't remember the last time a girl took care of my monkey.
Anyway, I figured after work, I'd pick up some wine go over there and try to woo her.
Know what you should do? Take her back to the 1 890s when that phrase was last used.
If you keep this up, you'll be finished by the weekend.
The one in the feathered boa is Dr.
Now, she used to be a man.
Look, there's Raven.
We hate her.
We're glad she's dying.
And then What? Marcel! Are you playing with Monica's shoes? You're not supposed to Marcel, did you poo in the shoe? Oh, Marcel! Bad monkey! Oh, God! Sorry, Barry.
A little engagement gift.
I'm sure you didn't register for that.
Who died? Who died? Roll him over! Come on, roll him over! Well, we know it wasn't Dexter, right, Marcel? Because Marcel? -How could you lose him? -I don't know! We were watching TV, he pooped in Monica's shoe.
He pooped in my shoe? Which one? I don't know.
The left one! Which ones? Those little clunky Amish things you think go with everything.
Why is the air in here so negative? Rachel lost Marcel.
Oh, no! How? -He pooped in my shoe.
-Which one? The cute black ones I always wear.
No, which one? The right or left? Because the left one is lucky.
Come on! What am I gonna do? All right.
You're a monkey.
You're loose in the city.
Where do you go? It's his first time out, so he'll do touristy things.
I'll go to Cats.
You go to the Russian Tea Room.
Oh, my God! Come on, you guys! He'll be home any minute.
He's gonna kill me! Search the building.
Take the first floor.
We'll take the rest.
What am I gonna do? You stay here and wait by the phone.
Spray Lysol in my shoe and wait for Ross to kill you.
Does anybody want to trade? What do you want? Mr.
Heckles, have you seen a monkey? I left a Belgian waffle out here.
Did you take it? -Why'd you leave it in the hall? -I wasn't ready for it.
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