No, no, we're done! The One With the Dozen Lasagnas Aunt Silv, stop yelling! If you'd told me vegetarian lasagna I would've made vegetarian lasagna.
The meat's only every third layer.
Maybe you could scrape.
Ross, did you really read all these baby books? You could plunk me down in any woman's uterus, no compass and I could find my way out like that! This is cool.
It says in some parts of the world people eat the placenta.
And we're done with the yogurt.
I did this as a favor.
I am not a caterer.
What do you want me to do with a dozen lasagnas? Nice talk, Aunt Silv.
You kiss Uncle Freddie with that mouth? Ross, listen.
Do you know that right now your baby is only this big? This is your baby.
" Hi, Daddy.
" Hello.
" How come you don't live with Mommy? " " How come Mommy lives with that other lady? " "What's a lesbian? " Honey, you can say it.
It's like " poke a nose.
" Poke a nose.
-So did I hear Poconos? -Yes.
My sister's giving us her place for the weekend.
First weekend together.
-It's a big step.
-I know.
-It's just a weekend.
Big deal.
-Wasn't this supposed to be a fling? Shouldn't it be flung by now? We are way past a "fling.
" I' m feeling things I've read about in Danielle Steel books.
When l' m with him, l' m just totally.
I' m physically nauseous.
What am I supposed to do? Call lmmigration? I could call lmmigration.
What? Ugly Naked Guy is making shadow puppets.
Look, it's Abraham Lincoln.
Oh, right! Go.
Go! I love babies with their little baby shoes and their little baby toes and their little hands.
Okay, you' re gonna have to stop that.
Need a new table.
You think? -Come on in.
I brought the books and Monica sends her love along with this lasagna.
Great! Is it vegetarian? Because Susan doesn't eat meat.
I' m pretty sure that it is.
Nineteen weeks, the breasts are starting to swell.
According to the literature.
-I got the results of the amnio.
-T ell me.
Is everything? -T otally and completely healthy.
-That is great! When did you and Susan meet Huey Lewis? That's our friend T anya.
Of course, it's your friend T anya.
-Don't you wanna know about the sex? -The sex? I' m having enough trouble with the image of you and Susan together.
But when you throw in T anya.
The sex of the baby, Ross.
You know the sex of the baby? -Want to know? -No.
I don't want to.
Absolutely not.
You shouldn't know until you look down there and see, " Oh, there it is.
" Or isn't.
-Hello, Ross.
So? So did you hear? Yes, we did.
Everything's A-Okay.
Oh, that's so cool! It really is.
Do we know? We certainly do.
It's going to be a Hello? A guy who doesn't wanna know is standing here.
Well, is it what we thought it would be? What? What did we think it'd be? I don't wanna know.
Don't wanna know.
I should probably just go.
-Well, thanks for the books.
-No problem.
Who should we call first? Your folks or Deb and Rhona? Hello? Never mind.
I don 't wanna know.
Because it was my table, I have to buy a new one? -That's the rule.
-What rule? There's no rule.
-You owe me a table.
-How did you get there? It was fine until your breakfast adventure with Angela Delvecio.
You knew about that? The impressions in the butter left little to the imagination.
How about if we split it? -What do you mean, buy it together? -Yeah.
-Do you think we' re ready for that? -Why not? It's a big commitment.
What if one of us wants to move out? -You' re moving out? -l' m not.
-You'd tell me if you were, right? -Yes.
-It's just, with my last roommate -I know all about Kip.
We bought a hibachi, then he ran off and got married.
Things got ugly.
Let me ask you something.
Was Kip a better roommate than me? Oh, don't do that.
There's changes in your schedule.
Your 4:00 herbal massage is at 4:30.
And Miss Summerfield canceled her 5:30 shiatsu.
Oh, here comes your 3:00.
I don't mean to sound unprofessional, but Yum! Paolo! Hi! What are you doing here? Rachella tell me you massage? Well, Rachella's right.
Oh, okay.
I don't know what you just said, so let's start.
I am being naked? That's your decision.
Some people prefer to take off Being naked! I can't believe you don't wanna know.
I couldn't not know.
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